Compact With Texans
Agency: Texas State University
Texas State University is a comprehensive institution of higher education which provides effective teaching to undergraduate and graduate level students. This is supported by research for the advancement of knowledge and service to the community and through an intellectually stimulating and socially diverse climate that promotes learning and stimulates inquiry in an atmosphere of freedom.
Texas State's Customer Service Statement:
Each office, department and division takes personal responsibility for serving our customers and improving the educational enterprise of Texas State. We emphasize continuous improvement that is driven by the needs of the people we serve and the ideals we treasure. We rely on teamwork, collaboration, communication and respect of one another to ensure the university's best practices when providing our customers with service.
Providing quality customer service is the philosophy that guides Texas State in creating a university which is dedicated to effective teaching and the advancement of knowledge. Texas State considers all currently enrolled students as its primary population for customer service. Additionally, any individuals, agencies or groups external to the organizational structure of Texas State which seek to interact with any office, department or division of Texas State comprise Texas State's secondary customer grouping.
Customer Information and Complaints:
Texas State has established policies and procedures to address the goals, objectives and standards for handling all customer service related functions, including complaints. The University Policy and Procedure Statement (UPPS) system provides a process and standard for communicating university policies and procedures that reflect current practices and are in accordance with any applicable rules, regulations or laws.
The process within which customers receive agency related information is provided via the following mediums:
- The Official University Student Handbook, in printed and electronic versions; (;
- Graduate and undergraduate catalogs; and
- University Policy and Procedure Statements
These documents provide customers with specific information regarding customer rights and responsibilities as well as specific procedures regarding the university's services. Additionally, these documents contain procedures for filing complaints when a customer is dissatisfied with the services received. Both the written and electronic versions of the documents are systematically updated to ensure and reflect the most current university practices.
- University policy indicates that customer complaints should be directed to the specific office(s) involved in the complaint. If the complaint cannot be resolved at that level, then the complainant is instructed to contact the next-higher office in the chain of command. Currently enrolled Texas State students may also address complaints to the Dean of Students Office, where ombudsperson services are provided by Ms. Laramie McWilliams, Associate Dean of Students. The Dean of Students Office provides ombuds services for Texas State's primary customers, the students. The function of this service is to assist currently enrolled students in achieving satisfactory resolutions to university related challenges. Additionally, the Dean of Students Office makes referrals to appropriate campus departments/offices for various other customer complaints which cannot be resolved within the dean's office.
- Ombudsperson services are also available to Texas State faculty and staff. Dr. Todd Jewell and Dr. Colleen Myles serve as the Faculty Ombudspersons, while Dr. Stella Silva serves as the Staff Ombudsperson.
Agency Customer Relations Representatives:
Student Ombudsperson
Laramie A. McWilliams, Associate Dean of Students
Student Intake Form
Faculty Ombudspersons
Dr. Todd Jewell
Dr. Colleen Myles
Staff Ombudsperson
Dr. Stella Silva