On a NASA Flight to Heaven: A Reading

On a NASA Flight to Heaven: A Reading   

Dr. D. Seth Horton | University of Virginia

Thursday, April 10, 2025 | 3:30 pm
Brazos Hall & Online via Zoom

Registration Required

Horton Book Talk

Set throughout the U.S.-Mexico borderlands, the stories in On a NASA Flight to Heaven explore the various ways in which the border fractures traditional narratives. Standing between North American and Latin American literary traditions, these stories are highly speculative in their approach. By consistently blurring together the genres of fiction and nonfiction, and by furthermore resisting all gestures towards completeness and finality, this collection of stories offers a completely novel interpretation of the borderlands.

Seth Horton

D. Seth Horton was born on the border, wrote his doctoral dissertation on modernist literature in the greater Southwest, and founded the anthology series, New Stories from the Southwest (University of Ohio Press and University of New Mexico Press). Last year, TCU Press published his collection of experimental stories set throughout the U.S.-Mexico borderlands entitled, On a NASA Flight to Heaven. He’s also reviewed books for the El Paso Times, currently serves on the editorial board of the journal, Southwestern American Literature, and teaches literature and creative writing in the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies program at the University of Virginia.