Adam Clark

Websites, Media, and Marketing

In addition to The Center for the Study of the Southwest, Adam also supports websites, media, marketing, and technology support for the Departments of History and Anthropology.  

Beyond his staff role, Adam is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies specializing in the broader field of hazards geography.  His Master's thesis, later published in Natural Hazards, modeled the effectiveness of using contraflow methods for hurricane evacuation.  He has also conducted research modeling wildfire risk in Austin, Texas (in press), and is working on projects concerning wildfire mapping, and flood risk education.

His dissertation research explores the ways in which hazard maps and related hazard imagery, such as cartoons, have been used to both inform Houston residents about hazard risk, but also how these images have been leveraged metaphorically as commentary on a variety of social issues such as crime, urban development, and nationalism.


Adam Clark