Council for Inclusive Excellence (VPIE)
Gigi Secuban, Vice President, Inclusive Excellence, Chair (T)
Claude Bonazzo-Romaguera, Director Latina/o Studies (T)
Darryl Borgonah, Asian Professional Association (T)
Scott Bowman, Special Assistant to the Provost for Inclusion and Diversity (T)
Mary Brennan, Representative, Council of Academic Deans (R)
Matthew Carmichael, Chief and Director, University Police Department (T)
Michael Casey, Chair, LGBTQIA+ Advisory Board and Network (T)
Nabila Cook, President, ALLIANCE at Texas State (T)
Valarie Fleming, Assistant Vice President, Curriculum Services (T)
Dwonna Goldstone, Director, African American Studies (T)
Jeff Helgeson, Chair, Council of Chairs (R)
Jodi Holschuh, President, Jewish Faculty and Staff Association (T)
Benjamin Martin, Representative, Faculty Senate (R)
Elias Martinez, Assistant Vice President, University Marketing (T)
Gloria Martinez, Director, Center for Diversity and Gender Studies (T)
Melissa Martinez, Associate Professor, Counseling, Leadership, Adult Education, and School Psychology (R)
Sandy Pantlik, Vice President, Marketing and Communications (T)
Terence Parker, Associate Dean of Students (T)
Maria Resendiz, President, Hispanic Policy Network (T)
Aimee Roundtree, Representative, Faculty of Color at Texas State (FOCATS) (R)
Tracy Shoemake, Associate Director, Athletics (R)
Jesse Silva, Associate Director, Inclusive Excellence for Student Initiatives (T)
Stella Silva, Assistant Vice President, Talent Strategy and Engagement (T)
Michelle Sotolongo, Coordinator, Texas State Monarch Center for Immigrant Students (T)
Tabitha Walker, President, Coalition of Black Faculty and Staff (T)
Caryn Williams, Institutional Compliance (R)
Samantha Williams, Representative, Human Resources (R)
To Be Named, Representative, International Affairs (R)
Student Members:
Cynthia Valdez, Representative, Underrepresented Student Advisory Council (USAC)
To Be Named, Representative, Student Government
The Council on Inclusive Excellence is an advisory group to the university President consisting of representatives of key constituent groups throughout the university. The Council will evaluate and offer feedback and recommendations on institutional-level issues related to justice, equity and diversity, including the development of strategies for fostering an inclusive learning, research, and work environment. The Council is expected to meet regularly throughout the year and the membership of the Council will promote the elevation and education of just practices throughout classrooms, campuses, and communities.