This form is for Anthropology student organizations requesting funding for events and activities. Please carefully read all the requirements listed below.
- All requests must be made at least two weeks in advance, and you should discuss the request with your faculty advisor before submitting the request.
- The funds are not to pay for regular activities of the club (snacks for your monthly meeting etc.) but instead for special events and activities that require purchases of things like special supplies or food/drink for an event. Each club is guaranteed one funded request per year but can apply for a second, which will be awarded depending on budget availability.
- Purchases need to be made by the faculty advisor using a department credit card, or directly through university vendors (such as Dominos, Staples etc.) with the help of Gerardo Galeana.
- This form is for requests of $200 or less, if funds of more than $200 are needed, please email the department chair to set up an appointment to discuss.