Anthropology Department Faculty and Staff

Faculty Research at Texas State

Dynamic research on diverse biological and cultural aspects of the human condition, past and present, is a defining aspect of the Department of Anthropology. Faculty have studied lemurs, interviewed students about social media use, excavated tombs, consulted with the FDA, identified murder victims, and much more. The research agendas of department members include field and laboratory studies on four continents funded by grants, contracts, and donations. Undergraduate and graduate students are involved in all of these endeavors, in roles ranging from field school participants to paid research assistants to completing their own research projects.  Additionally, the Anthropology Department offers a wide range of Research Equipment that allow our students and faculty to conduct cutting edge research and stay at the top of their filed.  Our technology includes 3D digitizers, Micro-CT scanners, 3D printers, magnetic susceptibility meters, digital x-ray systems and many more.

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