Annual Anthropology Student Research Conference (AASRC)

Present your thesis work, class papers, or projects conducted as part of a class or internship.

Friday, April 11, 2025 | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Presentation Submissions

Conference Schedule

Anthropology Conference Banner Image

Exciting research is going on across all fields of anthropology at Texas State! Texas State Anthropology Students investigate everything from archaeological sites to the impact of COVID on community development. They write papers and make presentations about human evolution and bone decomposition. They explore the theoretical underpinnings of anthropology from Boas anthropology to practice theory and gender. Join us for the 2025 Texas State University Anthropology Research Conference to hear students share some of their research from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm on Friday, April 11, 2025!

The Anthropology Student Research Conference, will be held in person and include morning and afternoon paper sessions and a poster session in between, and lunch will be provided.

Why students should participate in this conference!

Students will benefit from getting a valuable professional presentation and conference experience.

This conference is a great opportunity to practice a presentation in front of a relatively small and friendly audience, which will allow you to gain feedback and improve your talks prior to presenting at regional and national professional conferences.

Participation in any conference, even one hosted by your University department, is a viable presentation venue that deserves an entry on your resume or CV, which will be used to apply for employment, scholarships, or graduate schools.

  • You will get valuable professional presentation and conference experience.
  • Earn a line on your CV!
  • Gain feedback and improve your project!
  • Practice to prepare for regional and national conferences! 
  • Learn about your peers' great research!
  • You will get to support your peers and learn about their research.

Research projects that can be presented at the conference include thesis and dissertation research by undergraduate and graduate students, independent projects undertaken by student-and-professor collaborations, and projects and papers that were done as part of classes. Also, presentations reporting projects that are in-progress are welcome! The deadline to apply to present a paper or poster at the conference is Friday March 21, at 11:59 pm, see instructions below.

All paper presentations are oral presentations that may have visual aids (such as a PowerPoint, etc.) and be approximately 15 minutes long. It is best practice to use the entire 15 minutes for your presentation and do not go under or over your time. Poster presentations require that posters be printed prior to the start of the conference and should be hung in the hall on the 2nd floor of the Evans Liberal Arts building between 8 and 11 am the morning of the conference. Poster dimensions should be approximately 3 x 4 feet. Each student is entitled to have their poster printed for free by the Department of Anthropology if prepared at least two weeks in advance.

Visit the Registration Page to complete the online form and submit your abstract for consideration. 

Before visiting the registration page, please have the following items ready:

  1. Your presentation title, 
  2. Your presentation abstract (maximum 200 words), 
  3. Decision on whether you would like to present a paper or poster, 
  4. The name of the primary author or corresponding author (The corresponding author is the one individual who takes primary responsibility for communication with the conference organizers), 
  5. The names of all co-authors. 

Contact the organizers below to receive a poster template that you may use to generate your poster.

Contact the organizers if you have questions:

Dr. Heather Smith, Dr. Richard Warms, Dr. Aimee Villarreal, & Mara Stumpf