Todd Ahlman

Director of the Center for Archaeological Studies
Phone: 512.245.2728
Office: Pecos Building
I am an anthropological archaeologist with 30+ years of archaeological experience in 25 states and the Caribbean and 25 years of experience applying geographical information systems (GIS) to anthropological questions. Currently, I am the Director of the Center for Archaeological Studies (CAS) at Texas State University. As CAS Director, I have been awarded and managed over $11,000,000 in grants and contracts. Over the past 20 years I have been principal investigator/project manager on over $20,000,000 in contracts in federal, state, and local governments and private companies and $500,000 in grants from federal, state, and private foundations.
My teaching experience includes numerous undergraduate and graduate courses on cultural resources management, historical archaeology, and GIS in anthropology.
My current research interests include the pre-contact archaeology of Spring Lake in San Marcos, Texas, the study of African American potteries in Texas and the South, and the study of the African Diaspora in the South and Caribbean. In addition, I am working with descendant communities to document African American cemeteries in the San Marcos, Texas area.
Recent Publications
Ahlman, Todd M. and Ashley H. McKeown
2022 Apprentice and Wage Laborer Economies in the British Caribbean: An Examination of Post-Emancipation Material Culture and Housing on St. Kitts, West Indies. Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage 11(3):251-280.
Schroedl, Gerald F. and Todd M. Ahlman
2021 Archaeological Evidence for Enslaved African Laborers from Two Locations at the Brimstone Hill Fortress St. Kitts, West Indies. In The Colonial Landscape of the British Caribbean, edited by Roger H. Leech and Pamela Leech, pages 89-130. Boydell & Brewer, Boydell Press, UK.
Ahlman, Todd M. and Gerald F. Schroedl (editors)
2020 Historical Archaeologies of the Caribbean: Contextualizing Sites through Colonialism, Capitalism, and Globalism. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.
Ahlman, Todd M. and Gerald F. Schroedl
2020 Introduction. In Historical Archaeologies of the Caribbean: Contextualizing Sites through Colonialism, Capitalism, and Globalism. Edited by Todd M. Ahlman and Gerald F. Schroedl, pages 1-9. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.
Ahlman, Todd M., Gerald F. Schroedl, Barbara J. Heath, R. Grant Gilmore, Jeffrey Ferguson
2020 Inter- and intra-island trade of Afro-Caribbean ware in the Lesser Antilles. In Historical Archaeologies of the Caribbean: Contextualizing Sites through Colonialism, Capitalism, and Globalism. Edited by Todd M. Ahlman and Gerald F. Schroedl, pages 68-89. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.
Schroedl, Gerald F. and Todd M. Ahlman
2020 The Military and Institutional Occupations of Charles Fort, St. Kitts, West Indies, In Historical Archaeologies of the Caribbean: Contextualizing Sites through Colonialism, Capitalism, and Globalism. Edited by Todd M. Ahlman and Gerald F. Schroedl, pages 148-168. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.
Todd M. Ahlman
2019 The Historic House Yard Landscapes of St. Kitts’ Southeast Peninsula Plantations. In Archaeology of Domestic Landscapes of the Enslaved in the Caribbean. Edited by James Delle and Elizabeth Clay, pages 19-41. University of Florida Press, Gainesville.
Ahlman, Todd M. and Gerald F. Schroedl
2019 Consumerism in the Caribbean: Examining Material Remains from the Brimstone Hill Fortress and Plantation Contexts, St. Kitts, West Indies. In Change, Adaptation, and Accommodation: Archaeological Case Studies from the Southeastern U.S. and the Caribbean. Edited by C. Clifford Boyd, pages 319-336. University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville.
Ahlman, Todd M. Bobby R. Braly, Gerald F. Schroedl
2014 Stone and Glass Tools from St. Kitts’ Southeast Peninsula. Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage 3(1)1-26.
Ahlman, Todd M. and Kelley Scudder
2011 St. Kitts and Nevis. In Protecting Cultural Heritage in the Caribbean. Edited by Peter Seigel and Elizabeth Righter. University of Alabama Press.
Ahlman, Todd M.
2009 A Study of Continuity and Resource Strategy among Upland South Farmsteads. Tennessee Archaeology 4(1-2):25-47.
Ahlman, Todd M., Gerald F. Schroedl, Ashley H. McKeown
2009 The Afro-Caribbean Ware from the Brimstone Hill Fortress, St. Kitts, West Indies. Historical Archaeology 43(4):22-41.
Erin E. Pritchard with Ahlman, Todd M. (editors)
2009 TVA Archaeology: Seventy-five Years of Prehistoric Site Research. University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville.
Ahlman, Todd M., Gerald F. Schroedl, Ashley H. McKeown, Robert J. Speakman, Micheal Glascock
2008 Ceramic Production and Exchange Among Enslaved Africans on St. Kitts, West Indies. Journal of Caribbean Archaeology, Special Publication #2, 8:109-122.
Ahlman, Todd M., Daniel L. Marcel, Nicholas P. Herrmann, and Bradley A. Creswell
2005 Salvage of an Eroding Feature at the Tellico Blockhouse, Tellico Reservoir, Monroe County, Tennessee. Tennessee Archaeology 1:127-134.