Britt Bousman - Courses Taught

Undergraduate Courses:
ANTH 3306: World Prehistory
This course presents a survey of the prehistoric human record throughout the world. It focuses upon the achievements of early and modern humans, world colonization events, and the development of complex societies.
ANTH 4310: History of Anthropological Thought (team taught)
This course explores major theoretical and historical developments in anthropology, highlighting the discipline’s unique four-field perspective that includes archaeology, biological and cultural anthropology, and anthropological linguistics. Topics stress the importance of anthropological thought in key scientific discoveries and cultural debates. Prerequisites: ANTH 1312 and 60 hours of coursework. (WI)
ANTH 4630: Archaeological Field School
This course is designed to train students in the skills and techniques of modern archaeological survey and excavation of prehistoric sites. May be repeated for credit, but only six hours may be applied toward the major.
Graduate Courses:
ANTH 5305: Anthropological Statistics
In this course students will learn how to statistically analyze anthropological data. Students will gain a firm understanding of basic quantitative statistics, will be able to evaluate quantitative methods presented in anthropological research papers, and will be prepared for classes in more advanced statistical methods.
ANTH 5313: Archaeological Seminar
A survey of current research in New World and Old World archaeology.
ANTH 5315: Archaeological Artifact Identification and Analysis
This course will provide students with the skills, knowledge and ability to describe, characterize, and analyze artifacts commonly recovered from archaeological sites. Current theories covering the production and analysis of chipped and ground stone tools, ceramics, bone and other materials will be presented, and scientific analytical methods discussed.
ANTH 5316: The Origin and Evolution of Human Behavior
This course will present our current understanding of Old World Paleolithic Archaeology. The origin and evolution of hominid behavior, the initial colonization of the Old World, and the development of modern human behavior will be discussed for each continent.
ANTH 5338: Geoarchaeology
This course will provide students with the knowledge and ability to interpret sediments and the nature of sediment accumulation at archaeological sites. The course will provide students with a foundation in sedimentology, natural depositional environments, weathering processes and soil development, stratigraphic analysis, archaeological site formation processes.