Britt Bousman - Chaired MA and BA Theses

Sarah Himes 2020, Paleolandscape reconstruction using geoproxy evidence at Erfkroon, South Africa. Department of Anthropology, Texas State University.
Marisol Espino 2019, Lithic analysis of an Early Later Stone Age assemblage at Malony’s Kloof; a rock shelter in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. Department of Anthropology, Texas State University.
Caitlan Gulihur. 2016 Shelters in Space: A Study of How Rock Shelters Affect Settlement Patterns in the Big Bend Region of Texas, MA Thesis Committee Chair, Department of Anthropology, Texas State University.
Michel Mudd. 2016 Interpreting Site Function at 41PT283, MA Thesis Committee Chair, Department of Anthropology, Texas State University.
Laura Vilsack 2016 Archaeological investigation of the stone feature located at Area 12, Gault site, Bell County, Texas, MA Thesis Committee Chair, Department of Anthropology, Texas State University.
Molly Palmison 2014 Late Pleistocene Robberg occupations at Erfkroon, South Africa. MA Thesis.
Jennifer Anderson 2013 The Angostura anomaly: a comprehensive of this unique projectile point type.
Jennifer Gandy 2013 Analysis of lithic debitage from the older-than-Clovis stratigraphic layers of the Gault Site, Texas.
Jacob Hooge 2013 Underwater Geoarchaeological Research at Spring Lake, San Marcos. MA Thesis.
Senna Thornton-Barnett 2013 Ancestral pharmacopeias: a paleoethnobotanical assessment of plant use in the western Free State, South Africa.
Anna Gilmer 2013 Geoarchaeological Investigations of Natural Site Formation Processes at the Gault Site, a Paleoindian and Pre-Clovis site in Bell County Texas. MA Thesis.
Haley Rush 2013 Faunal Analysis at the Rowe Valley Site, 41WM437, Williamson County, Texas. MA Thesis.
Joseph Joshua Heffner 2011 Subsistence, technology, and site use through time at 41HY160, the Tee Box Six Locale. MA Thesis, Texas State University.
Kenneth L. Lawrence 2010 A Recalibrated Chronological Framework for Texas Archaeology-Geoarchaeology. MA Thesis, Texas State University.
Ira Wishoff 2010 An analysis of quarrying behavior at Alibates Flint Quarries National Monument, Fritch Texas. MA Thesis, Texas State University.
Stephen Schooler 2009 Trace element analysis of Spanish, French and Native American musket balls from colonial era sites in Texas. MA Thesis, Texas State University.
Robert Z. Seldon 2008 The legal basis for cultural resource management: the case law. B.A. Honors Thesis, Texas State University.
Eric Oksanen 2008 Archaeological investigations at the Ice House Site 41HY161: a revaluation of Early Archaic technology, subsistence, and settlement along the Balcones Escarpment and Central Texas. MA Thesis, Texas State University.
Luis Alvarado 2008 Ochoa Indented Brownware: Late Prehistoric ceramic production in the Southern Plains. MA Thesis, Texas State University.
Greg LaBudde 2008 Interchangeability in the organization of Archaic projectile technology: examples from the northern Chihuahuan Desert. MA Thesis, Texas State University.
Deirdre Aery 2007 Technological organization at the Spring Lake Site (41HY160): the 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2006 excavations. MA Thesis, Texas State University.
Holly Meier 2007 Antelope Creek Ceramics: an INAA comparison. MA Thesis, Texas State University.
Laura Acuña 2006 The economic contribution of root foods and other geophytes in prehistoric Texas. MA Thesis, Texas State University.
Abby Weinstein 2005 Investigations at an Antelope Creek phase isolated homestead (41PT109). MA Thesis, Texas State University.