Lise Byars George

Assistant Professor of Instruction and Internship Director
Phone: 512.245.8272
Office: ELA 271A
2010 – 2015 Ph.D. ABD – The Ohio State University, Anthropology
2009 M.A. – The Ohio State University, Anthropology | Thesis: Conceptualizing Vulnerability: The Impact, Meaning, and the Human Response to Social Catastrophe
2003 J.D. – Washington University in St. Louis, Law
2000 B.A. – Washington University in St. Louis, Anthropology (Minors: Political Science, Business)
Research Interests:
Applied anthropology; disasters; gender, vulnerability and the use of social social support; ethnicity and identity; anthropology and law; transnationalism and migration
Lise (she/her/hers) (pronounced “Lee-Cee”) is a Cultural Anthropologist and a former lawyer and community organizer. She is an experienced educator having taught undergraduate courses courses in cultural anthropology, archaeology, biological anthropology, sociology and social science. She has worked as a community organizer for the AFL-CIO of Ohio and the Alliance for Retired Americans; and as an attorney at a boutique firm where her professional legal experience included immigration, employment discrimination, estate planning, licensing of biotechnology, and business incorporation.
Lise provides a unique background with her experience working and building relationships with non-profits, corporations, and government, and is passionate about helping students find their interests and learning how anthropological methods and theories are applicable to developing a unique “toolkit” of skills and how valuable the anthropological perspective and training is to fields beyond the social sciences.
Select Publications
Cohen Jeffrey H., Bernardo Ramirez Rios, and Lise E Byars. 2009 The value, costs, and meaning of transnational migration in rural Oaxaca, Mexico. Migration Letters 6 (1):15-25
Byars, Lise E. Winter 2007 Su opinion: Remembering Our Roots. ¿Qué Pasa, OSU?
Courses Taught
- ANTH 3101: Writing Anthropology
- ANTH 3102: Professionalization in Anthropology
- ANTH 3331E: Anthropology & the Law
- ANTH 4390/5390: Internship in Anthropology
- ANTH 5302/7302: Teaching Anthropology
- US 1100: University Seminar