Beth Erhart

Professor, Associate Dean for Academic Program in the College of Liberal Arts
Ph.D., University of Texas, Austin, 1996
Phone: (512) 408-1106
Office: ELA 233
Primate behavior and ecology
Dr. Erhart is a biological anthropologist specializing in primate behavior and ecology. Her research topics include behavioral development, the evolution of behavior, demography, nutritional ecology, and anthropogenic effects on primate groups. She has conducted fieldwork in Madagascar and Mexico.
Siegert CC, Hamilton MD, Erhart EM, Devlin JB. 2020. A comparative assessment of consolidation materials applied to burned bone. Forensic Science International. 310
Erhart EM, Tecot SR, Grassi C. 2018. Interannual variation in diet, dietary diversity and dietary overlap in three sympatric strepsirhine species in southeastern Madagascar. International Journal of Primatology. 39:289-311.
Hamilton MD, Erhart EM. 2012. Anthropology of poaching: cultural motives for animal harvesting and forensic techniques to aid in the recovery and preservation of evidence. In: Huffman JE, Wallace JR (editors), Wildlife Forensics: Techniques and Applications. New York: Wiley-Blackwell, p. 65-80.
Wright PC, Erhart EM, Tecot SR, Baden AL, Arrigo-Nelson SJ, Herrera J, Morrelli TL, Blanco M, Deppe A, Atsalis S, Johnson S, Ratelolahy R, Tan C, Zody S. 2012. Long-term lemur research at Centre ValBio, Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar. In: Kappler PM, Watts D (editors), Long-term Field Studies of Primates. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, p.67-100.
Wright PC, Tecot SR, Erhart EM, King SJ, Baden AL. 2011. Frugivory in four sympatric lemurs: Implications for the future of Madagascar's forests. American Journal of Primatology. 73:585-602.
Dunham AE, Erhart EM, Wright PC. 2010. Global climate cycles and cyclones: Consequences for rainfall patterns and lemur reproduction in southeastern Madagascar. Global Change Biology. 17:219-227.
Erhart EM, Overdorff DJ. 2008. Rates of agonism by lemurid primates: Implications for establishing female dominance. International Journal of Primatology. 29:1227–1247.
Erhart EM, Overdorff DJ. 2008. Population demography and social structure changes in Eulemur fulvus rufus from 1988-2003. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 136:183-193. (R) Impact factor 2.824, Citation Rate = 21
Erhart EM, Overdorff DJ. 2008. Spatial memory during foraging in prosimian primates: Propithecus diadema edwardsi and Eulemur fulvus rufus. Folia Primatologica. 79:185-196.
Dunham AE, Erhart EM, Overdorff DJ, Wright PC. 2008. Evaluating effects of habitat loss, hunting, and El Niño events on a threatened species. Biological Conservation. 141:287-297.
Erhart EM, Overdorff DJ, Bramblett CA. 2005. Behavioral development of male hybrid Cercopithecus monkeys. Folia Primatologica. 76:196-206.
Overdorff DJ, Erhart EM, Mutschler, T. 2005. Does female dominance facilitate feeding priority in black-and-white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata) in southeastern Madagascar? American Journal of Primatology. 66:7-22.
Erhart EM, Overdorff DJ. 1999. Female coordination of group travel in wild Propithecus and Eulemur. International Journal of Primatology. 20:927-940.
Erhart EM, Overdorff DJ. 1998. Infanticide in Propithecus diadema edwardsi: An evaluation of the sexual selection hypothesis. International Journal of Primatology. 19:73-81.
Erhart EM, Coelho AM, Bramblett CA. 1997. Assessing paternal kin recognition by half-siblings in captive Papio cynocephalus. American Journal of Primatology. 43:147-157.
Courses Taught
Undergraduate Courses:
- ANTH 2414: Biological Anthropology
- ANTH 1312: Cultural Anthropology
- ANTH 3340: Human and Primate Origins
- ANTH 3342: Primate Behavior
- ANTH 3348: Rainforest Ecology
- ANTH 3364: Biological Basis of Human Behavior
- ANTH 4310: History of Anthropological Thought
- ANTH 4363: Methods in Primate Research
Graduate Courses:
- ANTH 5312: Seminar in Biological Anthropology
- ANTH 5340: Paleoanthropology
- ANTH 5342: Primate Behavior
- ANTH 5333: Research Design in Biological Anthropology
- ANTH 7341: Professional Ethics in Anthropology