Jill Pruetz

Email: pruetz@txstate.edu
Office: ELA 228
Phone: 512.408.1608
Ph.D. - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaing
B.A - Texas State University
I received a Bachelor's in Anthropology and one in Sociology at Texas State University (then Southwest Texas State) in 1989.
My Ph.D. was awarded in 1999 in Anthropology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I studied vervet and patas monkey socioecology for my dissertation research, focusing on the influence that food availability had on female primate competition and dominance.
I held a Postdoctoral position at Miami University (of Ohio) from 1999-2000, where I focused on assessing the presence and distribution of chimpanzees in savanna habitats in Senegal.
Since 2001, I have been the Principal Investigator of the Fongoli Savanna Chimpanzee Project in Senegal, where I have focused on the environmental pressures that influences ape behavior here and how such behavior differs from chimpanzees living in forested environments. I use these findings to try and inform our knowledge of early hominin behavioral ecology.
I've studied primates in Kenya, Nicaragua, Panama, Costa Rica and Peru, as well as Senegal, and I lead field schools to Costa Rica to the El Zota Biological Field School, which I helped initiate in 1999. I am also the Director of the non-profit (501c3) organization, Neighbor Ape, which seeks to conserve chimpanzees in Senegal but also provides for the well-being of people that live alongside them.
JD Pruetz, N Herzog. 2017. Chimpanzees at Fongoli, Senegal navigate a burned landscape. Current Anthropology invited symposium issue, ‘Fire and the Genus Homo’. Curr Anthr Suppl 58
JD Pruetz, P Bertolani, K Boyer Ontl, S Lindshield, M Shelley, EG Wessling. 2015. New evidence on the toolassisted hunting behavior of chimpanzees in a savanna habitat at Fongoli, Senegal. Royal Society Open Science 2:140507.