Daniel J. Wescott

Director of the Forensic Anthropology Center
Professor of Anthropology
Office: Grady Early Building 111, 1921 Old RR 12
Phone: (512) 245-1945
Email: dwescott@txstate.edu
Website - FACTS
Website - Academia
Research and Teaching Interests: Forensic anthropology, bone biomechanics, human skeletal variation, bioarchaeology
I am a biological anthropologists with a research focus on developing and testing forensic anthropological methods for reconstructing biological profiles, trauma patterns, and the post mortem interval. I also use long bone biomechanics to reconstruct activity patterns and behavior in past populations, and test hypotheses regarding changes in human skeletal morphology due to evolutionary and secular forces. I am also a dedicated teacher and mentor with experience directing undergraduate and graduate (MA, MS, PhD) students.
Recent Publications
Kootker, Lisette M., Saskia T.M. Ammer, Daniel J. Wescott, Gareth R. Davies, and Hayley L. Mickleburgh. 2023. Sr-Pb isotope difference in pre- and post-burial human bone, teeth, and hair keratin: implications for isotope forensics. International Journal of Legal Medicine Feb 23. doi: 10.1007/s00414-023-02976-5. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36820918.
Sylvester, Adam D., Daniel J. Wescott, Deborah L. Cunningham, Devora S. Gleiber. 2023. Variation in talus shape and trabecular structure between obese and non-obese Americans. Journal of Forensic Sciences 68(2):369-381.
Chong, Mavis Date, Sandra Sheehan, Jessica Battaglia, Daniel J. Wescott, Jeanette Wallin. 2023. Comparative study of rapid DNA versus conventional methods on compromised bones. Forensic Science International: Genetics 63:102825.
Bonicelli, Andrea, Hayley L. Mickleburgh, Alberto Chighine, Emanuela Locci, Daniel J. Wescott, Noemi Procopio. 2022. Application of the ForensOMICS approach to post-mortem interval estimation in a controlled taphonomic experiment. eLife 11:e83658
Bonicelli, Andrea, William Cheung, Sheree Hughes, Daniel J. Wescott, Noemi Procopio. 2022. Preliminary investigation of the effect of maceration procedures on bone metabolome and lipidome. Metabolites 12(11):1020.
Mavroudas, Sophia R. and Daniel J. Wescott, 2022. Outdoor taphonomic research facilities. Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, 3rd ed, Volume 4, Pages 44-54 [invited].
Nienaber, Coen, Shari L. Forbes, Melissa Connor, Daniel J. Wescott, Jodie Ward, Dawnie W. Steadman, Kerri L. Colman. 2022. Forensic Taphonomy. Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, 3rd ed, Volume 2, Pages 700-711 [invited].
Mickleburgh, Hayley L., Daniel J. Wescott, Sarah Gluschitz, M. Victor Klinkenburg. 2022 Exploring the use of actualistic forensic taphonomy in the study of (forensic) archaeological human burials: an actualistic experiment research programme at the Forensic Anthropology Center at Texas State University (FACTS). In: C.J. Knüsel, E.M.J. Schotsmans (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Archaeothanatology, Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 542-562.
Doro, Kennedy O., Amar M. Kolapkar, Carl-Georg Banks, Daniel J. Wescott, Hayley L. Mickleburgh. 2022. Time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography imaging of buried human remains in simulated mass and individual graves. Frontiers in Environmental Science, Advances in the Application of Multi-Dimensional Geophysical Surveys in Earth and Environmental Sciences 10.3389/fenvs.2022.882496.
Doro, Kennedy O., Amar M. Kolapkar, Carl-Georg Banks, Daniel J. Wescott, Hayley L. Mickleburgh. 2022. Geophysical imaging of buried human remains in simulated mass and single graves: experimental design and results from pre-burial to six months after burial. Forensic Science International 335:111289
Alfsdotter, Clara, Megan Veltri, Crystal Crabb, and Daniel J. Wescott. 2022. An actualistic taphonomic study of human decomposition in coffins. Bioarchaeology International 6(3):190-215.
Gocha, Timothy P., Sophia R. Mavroudas, and Daniel J. Wescott. 2022.The Texas State Donated Skeletal Collection at the Forensic Anthropology Center at Texas State. Forensic Sciences 2:7-19 [invited]
Mickleburgh, Hayley L., Ed Schwalbe, Maruka Mizukami, Federica Sellitto, Sefora Starace, Daniel J. Wescott, David O. Carter, Noemi Procopio. 2021. The human bone proteome before and after decomposition: implications for forensic research. Journal of Proteome Research 20(5):2533-2546.
Aitkenhead-Peterson, Jacqueline A., James P. Fancher, Michael B. Alexander, Michelle D. Hamilton, Joan A. Bytheway, Daniel J. Wescott. 2021. Predicting postmortem interval for human cadavers in a sub-tropical climate using UV-Vis-near infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Forensic Sciences 66(1):190-201.
Pesko, Bogumila K., Stefan Weidt, Mark McLaughlin, Daniel J. Wescott, Hazel Torrance, Karl Burgess, Richard Burchmore. 2020. Post-mortomics: the potential of untargeted metabolomics to highlight markers for time since death. OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology 24(11),10.1089/omi.2020.0084.
Baide, Alexis, Charlie Farber, Mark Krimmer, Daniel Wescott, and Dmitry Kurouski. 2020. Non-invasive post-mortem interval diagnostics using a hand-held Raman spectrometer. Forensic Chemistry 20, 100270.
Kootker, Lisette M., Isabella C.C. von Holstein, Jelle Broeder, Daniel J. Wescott, Gareth R. Davies, Hayley L. Mickleburgh. 2020. The effects of decomposition and environment on antemortem H-Sr-Pb isotope compositions and degradation of human scalp hair: an actualistic experiment. Forensic Science International 312,110336.
Cunningham, Deborah L., Melinda V. Rogers, Daniel J. Wescott, and Robert C. McCarthy. 2019. Re-evaluation of the body mass estimates for the KNM-ER 5428 Homo erectus talus. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 170(1):148-155.
Wescott, Daniel J. 2019. Biomechanical analysis of long bones provides the crucial break in decedent identification. In: Case Studies in Forensic Anthropology: Bonified Skeletons, edited by Heather Garvin and Natalie Langley. CRC Press [Chapter 4].
Wescott, Daniel J. 2019. Postmortem changes in bone mechanical properties: loss of plasticity. Forensic Science International 300:164-169 [invited]. Special Issue: Perimortem Trauma, edited by Douglas H. Ubelaker.
Wescott, Daniel J. 2018. The forensic anthropologist as broker for interdisciplinary taphonomic theory. In: CC Boyd DC Boyd (eds.). Forensic Anthropology: Theoretical Framework and Scientific Basis. New York: Wiley, pp. 251-270.
Gordon, Gwyneth W., Tiffany Saul, Dawnie Wolfe Steadman, Daniel J. Wescott, Kelly Knudson. 2018. Preservation of hair stable isotope signatures during freezing and law enforcement evidence packaging. Forensic Chemistry 11:108-119.
Wescott, Daniel J. 2018. Recent advances in forensic anthropology: decomposition research. Forensic Sciences Research 3(4): 278-293 [invited]. Special Issue: Recent Advances in Forensic Anthropology, guest edited by Douglas Ubelaker.
Murray, Bryce, Derek T. Anderson, Daniel J. Wescott, Robert Moorhead, Melissa Anderson. 2018. Survey and insights into unmanned aerial vehicle-based detection and documentation of clandestine graves and human remains. Human Biology 90 (1):45-61 [invited]. Special Issue: Thinking Computationally about Forensics: Anthropological Perspectives on Advancements in Technologies, Data, and Algorithms, edited by Bridget F.B. Algee-Hewitt and Jieun Kim.Cunningham, Deborah L., Ronda R. Graves, Daniel J. Wescott, and Robert C. McCarthy. 2018. The effect of ontogeny on estimates of KNM-WT 15000’s adult body size. Journal of Human Evolution 121:119-127.
Mickleburgh, Hayley L. and Daniel J. Wescott. 2018. Controlled case study on joint disarticulation and bone displacement during the decomposition process: Implications for funerary taphonomy. Journal of Archaeological Science- Reports 20:158-167.
Christensen, Angi M., Michael A. Smith, Devora Gleiber, Deborah L. Cunningham, and Daniel J. Wescott. 2018. The use of industrial and other alternativ CT technologies in forensic anthropology. Forensic Anthropology 1(2):124-140.
Wescott, Daniel J., Dawnie Wolfe Steadman, Nicole Miller, Kelly Sauerwein, Chaunesey M. Clemmons, Devora S. Gleiber, Chloe P. McDaneld, Laruen A. Meckel, Joan A. Bytheway. 2018. Validation of total body score/accumulated degree day model at three human decomposition facilities. Forensic Anthropology 1(3):143-149.
Meckel, Lauren A., Chloe McDaneld, and Daniel J. Wescott. 2018. White-tailed deer as a taphonomic agent: photographic evidence of a white-tailed deer gnawing on human bone (case report). Journal of Forensic Sciences 63(1):292-294.
Current Research Projects
Increasing Knowledge of the Effect of Body Size, Age, and Health on Bone Structural Properties Using High Resolution Computed Tomography and Histology. Collaborators: Lauren Meckel, Sophia Mavroudas, Tim Gocha.
Forensic Fire Death Investigation: Cross-Disciplinary Research and Performance Standards Development for Structural, Vehicle, and Open-Pit Fire Scenes. Collaborators: Steve Seddig, Tim Gocha, Sophia Mavroudas, Nick Herrmann
Forensic investigation of mass graves: an actualistic study for advancing methods of detection, excavation, documentation, and interpretation of mass graves. Collaborators: Hayley Mickleburgh, Tim Gocha, Noemi Procopio, Kennedy Doro
Body mass estimation using bone micro- and macro-structure: a practical approach using CT imaging and computer analysis [NIJ 2020-R2-CX-0048]. Collaborators: Deborah Cunningham, Adam Sylvester, Wojciech Zbijewski, Lauren Mecke