Ph.D. Degree Requirements


The Ph.D. in applied anthropology is a 54-hour minimum degree that must be completed in five years. Students complete a minimum of 36 hours of doctoral coursework in the first two years, including nine hours of foundation courses, three hours of anthropological theory, three hours of statistics, a minimum of six hours of research techniques courses, and up to 15 hours of prescribed electives. Once students are advanced to candidacy, they are required to complete an additional 18 hours minimum of dissertation.

For detailed information about the applied anthropology Ph.D. degree plan and anthropology courses, visit the Course Catalog or email the Ph.D. program coordinator, Dr. Nicole Taylor.

Ph.D. Course Requirements Image


Students will advance to candidacy after they have: completed 36 credit hours of required coursework with a minimum GPA of 3.3; formed their dissertation committee; passed their comprehensive exam; and successfully defended their dissertation proposals.


All students in the program are required to complete a dissertation that is an original contribution to scholarship based on independent investigation. Students are required to complete a dissertation defense, which includes a public presentation of the research and an oral examination by the student’s dissertation committee.