Overview of the Audit Process
The audit process includes the following steps:
Notification Letter - Auditees are notified in writing when their department is selected for an audit. Due to the nature of the audit work, we may give little or no advance notice. These letters are sent to the department being audited as well as other applicable personnel. The notification letter states the objectives to be accomplished in the audit. Preliminary documentation required for the audit, such as written policies, procedures and flowcharts, may also be requested at that time.
Entrance Conference - An entrance conference may be scheduled with the department to discuss the purpose and scope of the audit. This may be accomplished via telephone or e-mail if the auditee so desires. We encourage auditees to discuss any concern or questions they have about the audit.
Field Work - We will often review documentation in our office; however, we may also need to work on-site to access necessary records and information. We will frequently conduct interviews and complete internal control questionnaires with departmental personnel to gain a better understanding of your operation and procedures. We realize each person's time is valuable, so we attempt to arrange meetings in advance and to work around scheduling conflicts.
Draft Audit Report(s) - Upon completion of the field work, all workpapers will be reviewed by the director and a draft audit report will be prepared. Distribution of the draft report is limited initially to the immediate manager of the area for his/her review and resolution. Subsequent drafts may be developed to ensure accurate reporting.
Exit Conference - When the draft process has been completed, but prior to the issuance of the final audit report, a formal exit conference may be held at the option of the auditee. Often this process can be completed on an informal basis via e-mail, telephone or other forms of communication.
Review by the System and Distribution - When the final audit report has been developed internally, a copy is sent via electronic mail to the Texas State University System Chief Audit Executive for review. Any revisions are cleared with the auditee prior to release of the final report. Final audit reports are addressed to the president of the university with copies to appropriate management, the Board of Regents, the System Office, and state officials.
Customer Satisfaction Survey - In an effort to improve our service to management and to the university community, after each audit that is specifically requested by management we will ask that you take a few moments to provide feedback on our work.