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This Week's Agenda

Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda 
December 4, 2024 
4:00-6:00 pm 
JCK 880 
If the link does not work, please log into: Zoom from the DoIT webpage   
Meeting ID: 827 6620 4282 Password: Swinney

4:00 PM           President’s Academic Advisory Group

  1. Intersession/Minimester
  2. The UT System announcement of free tuition and waived fees for students from families making less than $100k a year 
  3. Study abroad programs vs. hubs 

If time allows discuss briefly the following policy currently under review:
AA/PPS No. 04.02.21  Non-Tenure Line Faculty Promotion Review

5:00 PM          PAAG Debrief

5:40 PM          Approve Minutes of the November 20, 2024 meeting

5:45 PM          Executive Session
                         REP Recommendations – Augustine Agwuele

6:00 PM          Adjourn