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University Lecturers Committee

Function and Meeting Information: 

Reviews proposals from departments and groups to bring outstanding lecturers to the university, and apportions funds approved for this purpose. 


The committee meets once per year, January-March, for approximately 2-3 hours. Application review varies depending on number of applicants; annual time commitment is from a few to several hours.


The committee comprises one faculty member per college, plus one Library representative.

2024 - 2025 Members

College University Lecturers Committee Title, Department Term Exp Chair Email
Applied Arts Amy Benton Associate Professor, Social Work 2027
Business Andrew Ojede Associate Professor, Finance & Economics 2025
Education Cindy Miller Assistant Professor, CLAS 2027
Fine Arts and Communication Jennifer Scharlach Associate Professor of Practice, Journalism & Mass Communication 2025
Health Professions Maria Resendiz Associate Professor, Communication Disorders 2025
Liberal Arts Rebecca Deason Associate Professor, Psychology 2026
Library Tara Smith Librarian 2025
Science and Engineering Christine Lee
Assistant Professor Mathematics 2026
Science and Engineering Kristy Daniel Professor, Biology 2027 Chair at-large
Student Representative TBA Fall 2024

University Lecturers Series

The Faculty Senate’s University Lecturers Committee reviews requests from colleges, schools, departments and campus organizations for assistance to bring outstanding guest lecturers or mini-symposia speakers to Texas State University during the long semesters (funding is not available for Summer sessions). Limited Student Services Fee funds are awarded based on the committee’s review of proposals and recommendations to the Faculty Senate.

Primary Proposal Round (for lectures the following academic year)

A call for proposals will be issued by the Faculty Senate to alert faculty and university organizations to the early February proposal due date for lectures to be offered the following spring or fall. Notification of funding awards will typically be sent in April.

The committee will recommend funding for the highest ranked proposals. In order to support as many proposals as possible, each award is limited to no more than $3,000.

Application Information

Prior to submitting a proposal, applicants should contact the speaker or speaker’s agent to determine availability and fees. This is important because awarded funds cannot be transferred to a replacement speaker.  University Lecturers Series funds may only be requested for speaker fees, and if needed, travel and accommodations. Receptions, incidentals (such as printing, food, flowers), and other costs will not be funded. 

Proposals should document the prestige and significance of the speaker, delineate plans for the event (including advertising), provide budget outline showing collaboration across university units, and indicate the potential for reaching the broadest and most diverse audience possible.

Proposal Evaluation Process

The University Lecturers Committee will review and discuss proposals and, if necessary, will make budget adjustments.

Each committee member will assign a score to each proposal based on the following rubric.

25-26 ULS Rubric (PDF, 722KB)

Rubric score totals will be listed in ranked order. The committee will recommend as many proposals judged to merit funding as the budget allows, starting with the top-ranked proposal and progressing through the ranked list. Proposals must follow articulated guidelines on formatting and length as well as earn a minimum average of 70 points per reviewer to be considered for funding.

Please note that all funded sponsors are required to provide a brief follow-up report to the committee within one month following the event. Sponsors are responsible for submitting all payment paperwork with assistance from their department/school administrative assistants.