José Carlos de la Puente Luna

Professor & Associate Chair
Office: TMH 215
Phone: 512.245.2240
Curriculum Vitae
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I am a scholar of native Andean peoples and the Spanish empire. The bulk of my work is devoted to understanding the formation of colonial indigenous legal, political, and literate cultures. My scholarship has made interventions in several interrelated fields, including native accounting technologies, the colonial Inka nobility, indigenous intellectuals and intermediaries, and colonial systems of land tenure and territorial representation. My current book-length project reexamines the history of the Andean colonial commoning and uncommoning practices through the lenses of land and tenure. Andean Cosmopolitans, my latest book, reconstructs the world of native litigants and favor seekers at the royal court of the Spanish Habsburgs. My earlier monograph, Los curacas hechiceros de Jauja, centers on witchcraft accusations launched by indigenous lords against their political rivals in late-seventeenth-century Peru.
Selected Publications
“Customs Apart: Rethinking Inheritance and Competing Land Claims among Native Commoner Women in Colonial Andean Villages.” Colonial Latin American Review 33, no. 1 (2024): 79-104.
"Of Widows, Furrows, and Seed: New Perspectives on Land and the Colonial Andean Commons." The Hispanic American Historical Review 101 (3):375-407.
"Calendars in Knotted Cords: New Evidence on How Khipus Captured Time in Nineteenth-Century Cuzco and Beyond." Ethnohistory 66, no. 3 (2019): 437-464.
"Painting the Canvas of the Great Andean Uprising: Recent Research on the Age of Tupac Amaru." Latin American Research Review, 53(2), 381–387.
Andean Cosmopolitans: Seeking Justice and Reward at the Spanish Royal Court. Austin: The University of Texas Press, 2018.
- Winner of the Flora Tristán Award of the Peru Section of the Latin American Studies Association for best book on Peru published the previous year
"Incas pecheros y caballeros hidalgos: la desintegración del orden incaico y la génesis de la nobleza incaica colonial en el Cuzco del siglo XVI." Revista Andina 54: 9-95 (2017).
- Winner of the “José María Arguedas Best Article Prize” of the Peru Section of the Latin American Studies Association, awarded to the best article on Peru published the previous year
Courses Taught
HIST 2311 | World History to 1500
HIST 2312 | World History since 1500
HIST 3322 | Colonial Latin America to 1828
HIST 3324 | Latin America from Independence to Present
HIST 5324D | Writing the History of Latin America: The Colonial Era
HIST 5324B | African and Native Experiences under Spanish Colonial Rule
HIST 5324C | Slavery and Emancipation in the Americas
HIST 5398 | General Research Seminar