Our Current Fulbright Events

Fulbright: A World of Opportunities - Workshop

Fulbright Ambassador for the Council of International Exchange of Scholar and Fulbright Campus Liaison Daris Hale will discuss faculty Fulbright opportunities. The discussion will focus on the variety of Fulbright appointments, the elements that comprise a Fulbright call for proposals, and the requirements of a Fulbright application. In addition, the workshop will cover the following: Fulbright programs, timelines, compensation, review process, call for proposals, and tips for developing competitive applications.

headshot of dr hale outside

Daris Hale

Senior Lecturer

School of Music and Fulbright Ambassador 
Workshop Reservation
Thursday, October 27, 2-4 p.m., Comal 116

Welcome Sokha Kheam to Texas State University

Dr. Kheam standing in front of flags

Mr. Kheam is an International Fulbright Scholar from Cambodia working at Texas State University to investigate biology education development and research. He will be working with Biology Education Researcher Dr. Kristy Daniel in developing protocols and data collection efforts in Biology Education. He will also work with freshman biology lab coordinators, Dr. Erika Simpson and Dr. Andrea Aspbury, to practice managing labs with regards to curriculum development, organization, hiring and preparing student lab instructors, and other necessary routines. Kheam is also very interested in observing the teaching methods for large lecture sections (200-300 students) that include non-traditional lecturing techniques. In addition, Kheam will co-teach a Science Methods class with Dr. Gail Dickinson in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Texas State University is honored to host Sokha Kheam as a Fulbright Scholar.

Welcome Home Dr. Gail Dickinson!

Dr. Gail sitting outside on a rock

Dr. Gail Dickinson, Fulbright Scholar, has arrived home from the Royal University of Phnom Penh in Cambodia where she was lecturing and researching. Texas State University is honored to have back on campus as she enriches our students, faculty, and community with new perspectives, broaden connections and an increased global network. Welcome home!