DS Exam Service at the Testing Center, Round Rock
The Testing Center, Round Rock, TCRR, administers in-class academic exams and quizzes with pre-approved testing accommodations for students who are registered with Disability Services (DS) at Texas State University. There is no charge to eligible students for this service. Our facility offers students enhanced accessibility for course exams and quizzes by providing a reduced distraction environment and accessible technology options.
Texas State University course assessments with accommodations may be taken at either campus with instructor approval. If you would like to take an assessment at the San Marcos campus, first discuss it with your instructor, then coordinate with ATSD.
Students should read, understand, and abide by the guidelines and codes referenced on this page before making an exam request. To learn the policies, procedures, and your student responsibilities, review the TCRR Student Guidelines and the TXST Honor Code and the Code of Student of Conduct.
Faculty Resources
TXST uses the Accessible Information Management (AIM) database to process and manage accommodations for our students, including accommodated testing. Faculty with a current teaching assignment may access the Faculty AIM Portal using their TXST login credentials.
The TCRR Faculty Resources page provides links to AIM instructions for faculty and the TCRR Instructor Guide. Faculty may discover TCRR services, review faculty and student responsibilities to use accommodated testing, search the Faculty FAQ site, and much more.
AIM Instructions for Students
Accommodated Testing at TCRR
Testing appointments are during our hours of operation, and, if possible, on the same day as the class takes the exam or quiz based upon when the instructor has designated testing. All exceptions must have prior approval by the instructor. Failure to follow an instructor’s exam schedule and student policies may result in the need to administer a test through our proctoring service as a makeup or early exam. If this occurs, the student will be charged a testing fee of at least $40 under our proctoring services rates.
Exams can be administered only in-person, by appointment, and at our posted exam start times. All exams or quizzes will begin and complete in one day and end no later than 30 minutes prior to closing of the Testing Center, Round Rock. The TCRR is closed on TXST holidays and weekends and as listed on our important dates page.
Exam requests are made through your AIM portal. For support contact TCRR.
Student Responsibilities When Using TXST Alternative Testing Services
At least six weeks before the start of each and every semester that you want to use accommodated testing, you must submit a request for those accommodations through Disability Services (DS). Make your request through your Student AIM Portal, or you may contact DS directly for assistance.
Each semester on your first time making an exam request in your AIM portal, you will be asked to acknowledge your responsibilities by reading, understanding, and agreeing to abide by the Student Policy and Procedure Agreement for Alternative Testing.
Students who elect to take exams with accommodations at the Testing Center, Round Rock (TCRR), do so with the understanding you must follow the policies and procedures outlined in the TCRR Student Guidelines and the TXST Honor Code and the Code of Student of Conduct. It is important for all students to read the guidelines in its entirety.
To schedule an exam or quiz with accommodations at TCRR, submit an online test request using the AIM system. For support contact TCRR.
- A separate request must be submitted for each exam, quiz, or make-up.
- Submit requests at the beginning of the semester for all your classes for the entire semester to ensure a space is reserved for you.
- To ensure testing accommodations are met during busy testing days such as finals, your exam may be proctored in a room outside the testing center.
- It is each student’s responsibility to submit your requests by the appropriate deadline.
- It is the student’s responsibility to select a testing start time which allows full use of any extended time accommodation by 30 minutes before the testing center closing time.
- TCRR will administer exams only with accommodations which have been approved by DS. If you need to modify your testing accommodations, please consult with DS.
- TCRR can administer assessments only which have a submitted Testing Agreement and approval from your instructor. We highly encourage conversation with your instructor prior to making your testing requests.
TESTING with Accommodations at TCRR
- You must have an approved accommodation letter from DS.
- Inform your instructor that you will test at the Testing Center, Round Rock (TCRR).
- Before your appointment request can be approved, or you can take an exam, your instructor must submit a Testing Agreement (TA), instructions to TCRR on how to conduct exams for this course section. Your instructor will submit the TA using the link in the AIM email sent to the instructor when a student in the course is approved by DS for accommodations.
- Your request must comply with your instructor's syllabus, student policies, and Testing Agreement with the testing center.
- Space is limited so late requests may not be approved. Make your requests early. Quizzes and exams must be requested at least 3 business days prior to the test date. Assessments during the week of Finals need to be requested no later than 10 business days prior to the test date.
- Submit your exam requests as early as possible or even better at the beginning of the semester for the entire semester to ensure a place is reserved for you.
- You must select a start time from the appropriate list in AIM, or you will get an error message.
- Testing Start Times: 7:00AM, 8:00AM, 11:00AM, or 2:00PM.
- All exams must end 30 minutes prior to closing.
- TCRR Office Hours: Monday through Friday 8AM-5PM.
- Finals Week testing start times: 8:00AM, Noon, or 4:00PM.
- If you receive your Accommodation letter from DS just prior to an exam date, contact the testing center directly to discuss your options for testing.
Requesting a Non-Standard Testing Start Time
Students may request a non-standard start time. The student must have the approval of both the instructor and TCRR, prior to making their request. Extreme circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Any request must be made at least 14 business days prior to the exam date. Or an instructor may contact TCRR directly at least 14 business days prior to the test date to request this option for multiple students. Making these arrangements at the beginning of the semester or as early as possible is highly encouraged.
How to Cancel or Reschedule an Existing Appointment
If you can’t make your appointment, you may:
- submit a cancellation or reschedule request through the AIM System, or
- call the Testing Center at 512-716-4020, or email rrc-testing@txstate.edu as soon as possible.
- contact your instructor as soon as possible.
All reschedules, for any reason, must have the instructor’s approval before rescheduling.
TCRR Scheduling Submission Deadlines
It is your responsibility to ensure your appointment is requested in time for the Testing Center to obtain your assessment from your instructor and for your instructor to submit a Testing Agreement and give approval. We recommend that you make your appointments at the beginning of the semester when you receive your syllabi. You must make your requests by 3:00PM at least 3 business days prior to your test date for exams and quizzes. For assessments during finals week, you must submit your requests by 3:00PM at least 10 business days prior to your test date.
The following chart will show some examples for submission deadlines for a regular exam or quiz:
I need to take my exam or quiz on: I need to submit my request by: Monday at 8:00 AM No later than 3 PM on Wednesday Tuesday at 11:00 AM No later than 3 PM on Thursday Wednesday at 2:00 PM No later than 3 PM on Friday Thursday at 2:00 PM No later than 3 PM on Monday Friday at 8:00 AM No later than 3 PM on Tuesday Tuesday at 11:00 AM, but Monday is a holiday No later than 3 PM on Wednesday Submitting requests when you receive your syllabi at the beginning of the semester will ensure a reserved place for you and avoid last-minute confusion and possible denial of your request.
Eligible Assessments for TCRR Administration
Eligible assessments will meet the following criteria: 1) must be an in-person exam/quiz for any TXST course including an online or hybrid class that meets in-person for the assessment, and 2) an assessment which requires the assistance of TCRR staff or use of resources in the testing center to meet accommodations. An example of an ineligible exam/quiz is a take-home exam, except those with an accommodation that can’t be met at home by another means such as text-to-speech software in lieu of a live reader. Please direct any questions concerning exam eligibility to the TCRR Supervisor.
Testing Materials
Students are responsible for providing all necessary approved testing materials for an exam. Examples include but are not limited to special calculators, graph paper, rulers, special pencils, or pens. If you are approved to use your laptop for testing, also bring your power cord. You will access the internet using the TXST WiFi.
The TCRR provides all scratch paper, white boards, essay paper, number 2 pencils, and answer forms such as scantrons. If allowed, 4-function calculators are also provided. Sound cancelling headphones and single-use ear plugs are available upon request.
Contact TCRR
For support call TCRR at 512-716-4020 Monday – Friday from 8AM to 5PM or email us at rrc-testing@txstate.edu or drop by the testing center at 1555 University Blvd., Avery Building, Rm 209.