TCRR Student Guidelines
Testing at a testing center is the right of the student who has approved accommodations through Disability Services (DS) at Texas State University. Only in-class tests, quizzes, or in-class assessments are eligible to be taken at the testing center. To ensure every student can access their testing accommodations, each student must follow and adhere to the policies and procedures below.
TCRR Policies
Eligible Assessments
Eligible assessments will meet the following criteria: 1) must be an in-person exam/quiz for any TXST course including an online or hybrid class that meets in-person for the assessment, and 2) an assessment which requires the assistance of TCRR staff or use of resources in the testing center to meet accommodations. An example of an ineligible exam/quiz is a take-home exam, except exams with an accommodation that can’t be met at home. Please direct any questions concerning exam eligibility to the TCRR Supervisor.
Identification Policy
You must present valid photo identification (ID) at check in, or you will not be allowed to test. An acceptable ID is a valid government issued photo ID such as a driver’s license or passport or a valid Texas State BobcatCard photo ID.
Testing at TCRR
- To schedule an exam, quiz, or final at TCRR, submit an online assessment request through the AIM system. For support, please contact TCRR.
- A separate request must be submitted for each exam, quiz, make-up, or final.
- Submit requests at the beginning of the semester for all your classes for all your assessments to ensure a space is reserved for you.
- To ensure testing accommodations are met during busy testing days such as finals, your exam may be proctored in a room outside the testing center.
- It is each student’s responsibility to submit an assessment request before the request deadline and which will provide full access to any extended time accommodation by 30 minutes before the testing center closes.
- TCRR provides only the accommodations which DS has approved. If you need to modify your testing accommodations, please consult with DS.
- TCRR only administers assessments which have a submitted Testing Agreement and approval from your instructor. We encourage discussion with your instructor prior to making your testing requests.
We highly encourage you to submit all your requests at the beginning of the semester for all your classes to ensure you will have a space reserved for you.
Scheduling Accommodated Assessments
- You must have an approved accommodation letter from DS.
- Inform your instructor that you will test at the Testing Center, Round Rock (TCRR).
- Before your appointment request can be approved, or you can take an exam, your instructor must submit a Testing Agreement through the AIM system to provide instructions on how to conduct your assessments.
- Your request must comply with your instructor's syllabus, student policies, and Testing Agreement with the testing center.
- You must select a testing start time from the list in AIM or you will get an error message.
- Standard Testing Start Times: 7:00AM, 8:00AM, 11:00AM, or 2:00PM.
- Finals Week Testing Start Times: 8:00AM, Noon, and 4:00PM.
- TCRR Office Hours – Monday through Friday 8AM-5PM. Closed Weekends & TXST Holidays.
- Choose the same date as your class will test.
- Choose the start time as close to the exam start time for your class but provides your full extended time.
- All exams must end by 30 minutes prior to closing.
- Failure to select a time which allows your full extended time means you will sign a time waiver acknowledging your exam will be stopped 30 minutes prior to the closing of TCRR. It is your responsibility to select a date/time that allows your full extended time.
- Exams will start as scheduled; you will not be permitted to start early.
- Testing start times are established to ensure that students receive approved accommodations and face minimal distractions given the available testing space and resources.
- If you have a conflict with another class and need to request a non-standard test start time or different date from the exam date for your class, you must make the request at least 14 business days in advance by contacting TCRR directly. All non-standard test date/start time requests must be pre-arranged and approved by TCRR and your instructor.
- Space is limited so late requests may not be approved. Make your requests early. Quizzes and exams must be requested by 3PM at least 3 business days prior to the test date. Assessments taken during finals week must be requested by 3PM no later than ten business days prior to the test date.
- If you receive your Accommodation letter from DS just prior to an exam date, contact the testing center directly to discuss your options for testing.
Regular Exams/Quizzes
- Assessment requests must be submitted by 3PM at least 3 business days prior to the test date.
- A business day does not include weekends or holidays.
- For example, if you would like to take an exam on Monday at 11:00AM, you will need to submit your assessment request by 3PM on the preceding Wednesday.
- All changes to submitted test requests require two business days to process.
- Students should submit all assessment requests as soon as syllabi are received to avoid missing the deadline.
- Submitting testing requests at the beginning of the semester ensures TCRR will have a reserved place for you to access your approved testing accommodations.
Final Exams
- Requests must be submitted by 3PM at least 10 business days prior to the testing date. Final Exams are scheduled at 8:00AM, Noon, or 4:00PM.
- Students must request final exams according to the University Final Exam Schedule. All final exams should be taken on the same date and as close as possible to the start time of the in-class exam administration.
- To request a non-standard Final start time, you must make your request directly to TCRR and at least 14 business days prior to the testing date.
Pop Quizzes
Discuss your options with your instructor for administering pop quizzes with accommodations. Options include requesting your instructor to:
- approve you to request a quiz appointment with TCRR to provide your accommodations.
- provide your testing accommodations during class time.
- arrange to meet with you outside of class to complete the pop quiz with your testing accommodations.
- contact TCRR directly to set up a pop quiz appointment for you.
Tests for Incomplete Courses & Graduate Comprehensive Exams (Comps)
- Make your request to TCRR directly and at least five business days prior to the testing date.
- Your instructor must approve your request.
Requesting a Non-Standard Testing Start Time
Requests for an exam start time other than 7:00AM, 8:00AM, 11:00AM, or 2:00PM will be considered on a case-by-case basis for extreme circumstances and must be submitted at least 14 business days prior to the testing date. Instructor approval and a Testing Agreement must be submitted by the instructor before TCRR can confirm any approved requests.
Missing the Deadline for Scheduling
If a student fails to submit an assessment request by the specified deadline, the student has the following options:
- Take the assessment with the rest of the class.
- Ask the instructor to administer the assessment with testing accommodations. Instructors are not obligated to provide testing accommodations if the scheduling deadline is missed.
- If the deadline was missed due to extenuating circumstances, contact TCRR directly to ask for an exception. All requests are considered on a case-by-case basis.
- For example, if you were just approved for testing accommodations from DS and your exam is the next day, TCRR may be able to get your exam approved.
Failure to Arrive for a Scheduled Exam or Quiz
If you miss your exam or quiz, any rescheduling must be done in accordance with your instructor’s make-up policy, student rules and Testing Agreement with TCRR. Speak with your instructor before attempting to reschedule your exam or quiz. Please note you may be required to pay a proctoring fee to take a makeup exam or quiz.
- Late Arrivals or No Show for Exams or Quizzes: Arrive at least 10 minutes before your scheduled start time. If you arrive more than 10 minutes after your scheduled start time, you may not be able to test. Or if you are unable to make your appointment for any reason, you may:
- Seek instructor approval to reschedule the assessment with TCRR. After obtaining approval, submit a request through AIM for a make-up exam or quiz.
- It is at the discretion of the instructor to approve rescheduling an assessment.
- Ask your instructor to administer the exam with testing accommodations. Instructors are not obligated to provide testing accommodations if a student arrives late or fails to show up for an exam scheduled at TCRR.
- If you are late or miss a final exam scheduled at TCRR, you may:
- Arrange to take the final exam with your instructor.
- Contact TCRR directly to reschedule the final exam. All rescheduled finals must be approved by TCRR and your instructor.
Check In & Testing Procedures
- Arrive 15 minutes before your exam start time. If you arrive more than 10 minutes past your exam start time, you may not be allowed to test.
- Bring your valid TXST ID or current government issued photo ID.
- Bring any allowables such as laptop, special calculators, or pens.
- Know your ID & PW for any online access to your exam.
- After verification of your ID, you will place all personal and non-allowed items into a locker. Most lockers will hold a standard backpack.
- You may request ear plugs and/or noise cancelling headphones.
- You will be assigned a testing station. Private rooms cannot be guaranteed and are assigned based upon accommodations and availability of testing center resources.
- Please be quiet in the testing room as others may be testing. You are expected to behave with respect and the understanding that you may be sharing the testing space with others.
- You are expected to abide by the TCRR Student Guidelines, the TXST Honor Code, and the Code of Student of Conduct.
- Proctors are available to assist you in the testing process but cannot assist you with answering test questions.
- If you need a break or have a problem with your exam or testing materials, let your proctor know.
- If you have a scribe or reader, you may ask the scribe or reader to repeat what is written. Readers cannot give definitions or in any way provide you answers. Scribes may not alter your responses, nor correct grammar, nor answer test questions.
- You will be monitored and may be recorded on closed circuit television.
- All disposable items including tissues or gum must be disposed of properly in front of the proctor.
- You will be provided access to your locker once you return your exam, scratch paper, and testing materials to staff.
Personal Items to Store in Locker
You may have personal items in the testing center that are expressly permitted in your DS- approved accommodation letter. Electronic devices such as phones are not allowed in the testing room. Please discuss with TCRR any medical devices that you are allowed to have with you in the testing room prior to your testing appointment.
Prohibited items in the testing room include but are not limited to the following:
- Cameras, cell phones, optical readers, or other electronic devices that include the ability to photograph, photocopy, or otherwise copy test materials
- Notes, books, dictionaries, or language dictionaries (except as expressly permitted by your instructor or accommodation letter)
- Book bags, purses, handbags, or luggage
- iPods, MP3 players, tablets, headphones, or pagers
- Calculators (except as expressly permitted by your instructor or accommodation letter), computers, PDAs, or other electronic devices with computer memory
- Personal writing utensils (except as permitted by your instructor)
- Google and/or smart glasses (any glasses with electronics)
- Watches, smart devices, and other jewelry except wedding or engagement rings
- Weapons
- Medicine, including cough drops (except as expressly permitted by accommodation)
- Food or beverage (except as expressly permitted by accommodation)
- Hats, hoods, or other head coverings are not permitted in the examination room unless required for religious purposes.
- Coats or jackets
All items are subject to inspection by the proctor at check in and anytime suspicious behavior is detected.
Specialty Accommodations
- Readers and/or Scribes
Indicate your preference for text-to-speech or speech-to-text software or for a live assistant when you make your exam request in AIM. Requests are reviewed based upon TCRR resources and your DS-approved accommodations.
- Braille
Most tests can be converted to Braille format. As early as possible contact TCRR directly for directions to access this accommodation.
- Enlarged Print Exams
Indicate in AIM you want to use this accommodation and contact your instructor and TCRR directly to let us know what font size you require. Request your instructor to submit your exam in MS Word format in AIM at least 3 business days before the exam date so TCRR may enlarge the print. Or your instructor may submit an enlarged print exam into AIM at least one business day prior to your exam date.
- Interpreters
Interpreters may accompany any student who needs interpreting assistance. Contact DS to initiate this accommodation. Also, contact TCRR directly if you will bring an interpreter with you to ensure the appropriate room is assigned. Note that during testing, the interpreter will also need to check in with a valid photo ID and put personal belongings into an assigned locker.
Appropriate Behavior at TCRR
Every student using services at TCRR is expected to follow the Texas State Honor Code, the Code of Student Conduct, and the policies and procedures of TCRR. Before you may take a test at TCRR, you will be asked to sign the TEMC Policy and Procedure agreement in AIM each semester. This document acknowledges you have read, understand, and agree to abide by the TCRR Policy & Procedure Guidelines, the Texas State Honor Code, and the Code of Student Conduct. Any breach of this contract will result in disciplinary action that may include, but is not limited to:
- meeting with the TCRR supervisor to discuss the behavior to be corrected. During this meeting an action plan may be created and signed by both parties.
- meeting with other Texas State University employees.
- involvement with the Behavior Assessment Team or Student Justice for continued and repeated inappropriate behavior.
Breaking the Texas State Honor Code
Students suspected of violating the Texas State Honor Code will be subject to the following procedures:
- When a proctor suspects a student is breaking the Texas State Honor Code, the TCRR Supervisor or Supervisor Designee is called to view the student’s behavior or video tape of the behavior.
- The Supervisor or Supervisor Designee may consult with the Director to make the decision if the student is in violation of the Texas State Honor Code.
- If a violation occurs, the Supervisor or Supervisor Designee will briefly stop the test to remove the student from the testing room.
- The Supervisor or Supervisor Designee will explain the incident and may confiscate non-allowed items related to the incident or have the student place the item(s) in the student’s locker.
- The student will resume the test while the instructor is contacted for instructions on how to proceed.
- If the instructor is successfully contacted, the Supervisor or Supervisor Designee will follow the directions of the instructor on how to proceed.
- If the instructor cannot be reached, then the test is completed as normal.
- When the student completes testing, or if the instructor requested to stop the test, the student will review the proctor’s allegations on the TCRR Alleged Academic Dishonesty form and can fill out the student portion. The form will be scanned and emailed to the instructor.
TCRR School Closure Policy
If a weather-related issue or emergency causes Texas State University to close the Round Rock Campus or the Avery Building, testing at TCRR will not occur. You will be notified how to proceed. All affected students and faculty should monitor their Texas State email accounts for communication from TCRR regarding rescheduling instructions. The new date and time of testing will be contingent on faculty approval.
Support at TCRR
You may contact TCRR at or 512-716-4020 for any questions or concerns.