CASAA Faculty and Affiliates

Texas State faculty and graduate students in any department are invited to become Reilly Center affiliates. Undergraduate students conducting specific research projects are invited to affiliate for the duration of the project. Upon graduation or at the end of the project, student affiliates become Reilly Center alumni.

Affiliates and alumni receive email news and updates from the Reilly Center, including invitations to Reilly Center events and announcements about new Reilly Center publications. Current affiliates also have key access to the Reilly Center Reading Room. Located in ELA 271, the Reading Room contains a library of works on the archaeology, art, epigraphy, and iconography of native North American, Mesoamerican, Central American, and South American cultures from ancient times to the present. A powerful desktop computer and a Wacom drafting tablet are available to affiliates who wish to use them for digital illustration, imaging, and other computation-intensive tasks. 

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