InnoAnth Lab Membership
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Affiliated Faculty
Lab Staff
Lab Member
PhD Dissertation
MA Thesis
Undergraduate Thesis
Independent Research
San Pedro Cemetery Project
Dr. Augustine AgwueleAgwueleAugustineAffiliated Faculty
Linguistics\ Phonetics,- C-V Coarticulation, Socio-Cultural Studies, Peoples & Cultures of Africa
Afsana AhkterAhkterAfsanaLab Member
Medical Anthropology, Public Health, Women's Health, Women's Reproductive Health and Infant Health, Menstruation, Health Policy
I intend to study Women's reproductive health in my dissertation. Having lived in multiple countries, my research interest arose from my personal experience and interest. The socio-cultural aspects I have seen in my country, where women's lives are considered private, and women's health is always less prioritized than men's health, as well as having recently experienced severe postpartum depression without any treatment or support from health care providers, piqued my future interest in advancing my research career in a women's reproductive health.
I think I will learn the anthropology research methods by using the lab. In a co-working space, the lab has many potentials to offer fellow students proper methods and ideas for doing actual research, which will help me a lot. Additionally, there is a lot of equipment available in the lab, which will help me to create my class projects like podcasts or Zine. Also, as a lab staff, I will be helping other students by mentoring and guidance.
Estella BlackwellBlackwellEstellaLab Member
STS, business anthropology, medical anthropology, semiotics, feminism, Latinx Studies
I will be performing class project, making a podcast, visual anthropology methods, etc. I am hoping to use this research for implementation in other courses in my degree plan. In the end I am wanting an all around education in Anthropology for usage in the real world when I graduate and am a job seeker.
Lise Byars GeorgeByars GeorgeLiseLab Member
Vulnerability, social support/social network, gender, disaster, law
As internship director, I'm envisioning building connections and relationships with community organizations and exploring partnerships with the Innovative Anthropology Lab. In the future, I'd also like to explore the possibility of a podcast to encourage applied experiences in our program.
Dr. Deborah CunninghamCunninghamDeborahLab Member
paleoanthropology, science communication, human anatomy, pedagogy
I have an ongoing project involving producing videos that explain what happens at the Forensic Anthropology Center. Additionally, I am the social media manager for FACTS and I always seek to improve this.
James Wood DevereauxDevereauxJames WoodLab Member
Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology, Primates, Latinx Studies, Biological Anthropology
This semester we will be conducting interviews with the elderly residents who belong to a community associated with a shared cemetery in San Marcos. The purpose of these interviews is to create an oral history of the deceased relatives currently located in the cemetery. For this project I may need to check out audio recording equipment from the lab.
Casmir EdinahEdinahCasmirLab Member
Applied Anthropology, Medical Anthropology, Global Health, Human-centred design.
My interest is in utilizing the tools to help my learning in my class work and dissertation, such as use of visual anthropology techniques, making podcasts, posters. I'm also curious about what other team members are working on and the strategies they are using.
Robin Gris GalvanGalvanRobin GrisLab Member
STS, feminism, gender studies, Latinx studies, Queer theory
Currently, I have a few class projects that I planned on working on that are centered around gender and sexuality studies in the public. For example, how these two things interact and affect our day to day life as well as looking into queer spaces that were created to specifically be safe queer spaces and why.
Eric M. GauldinGauldinEric M.Lab Member
Diversity and Inclusion, STS, Culture Training and Education, Medical Anthropology, Anthropological Engagement with Government and Military Institutions, Applied Practice, Higher Education
In recent decades, shifting demographic and social trends have led to increased conversation around the topic of diversity in the workplace. Different fields all talk about this topic differently, however, and often cannot agree on the importance or reason behind building diverse spaces, let alone how best to manage diverse populations. This research seeks to explore the factors that impact individual's perceptions of diversity initiatives and working with perceived personal difference in team environments, and more specifically, to understand how individuals labeled as "diverse" experience and think about diversity, equity, and inclusion programs.
Adrienne GrossGrossAdrienneLab Member
Bioarchaeology, feminism, queer culture/history, forensic anthropology, fashion culture/history, and popular culture
Jacqueline GutierrezGutierrezJacquelineLab Member
Sustainability, Economic anthropology, legal anthropology, cultural anthropology, innovation, biological archaeology, archaeology, business anthropology, geopolitics, history, racial and gender equality, qualitative research, and ethnographic research
Being a part of this lab will get me closer to my goals of pursuing a career in innovation and anthropology. My goal is to gain different perspectives through collaborating with other imaginaries and innovation focused individuals. I want to see how we can bridge the gap that allows equal opportunities to people of all backgrounds. I plan to do this through ethnographic and qualitative research. I would also like to research different ways to integrate and promote anthropological practices and techniques in the field of innovation; especially in the tech, entertainment, and music industries.
Afsana IslamIslamAfsanaLab Member
Medical Anthropology, Queer Studies, Gender Studies, Health Equity, SRHR, Substance abuse
This semester, I plan to conduct a workshop focused on using software for qualitative data analysis, such as Atlas.ti, NVivo, and MAXQDA. The goal is to provide members of the Innovative Anthropology lab and students with hands-on demonstrations and practical skills for analyzing qualitative data using these tools. Additionally, I will arrange workshop on citation management software, including Mendeley and EndNote, to help students and members to use referencing of academic sources ethically.
Jillian LindseyLindseyJillianLab Member
Forensic, Criminal Justice, Biological Anthro, Medical Anthro, Archeology, Culture, Racial issues, Equality, Laws and ethics, Anthropology, Humane behavior and patterns
I want to learn more about anthropology research and everything that comes with research
Rex LongLongRexLab Member
Disaster/recovery, disability, mental health, medical anthropology
Bureaucracies and social support networks play vital roles in disaster planning, mitigation, and recovery processes. Specifically, bureaucracies (i.e., government agencies, educational institutions, or aid agencies) engage in practices of knowledge production and resource allocation that can hinder or help recovery efforts on an individual or community level. Social capital, in the form of social support networks, similarly impact the quality of recovery based on the strength of said networks and their ability to be effectively mobilized. These two hindering/helping factors will be examined in two contexts: hurricane recovery in K-12 schools following Hurricane Matthew and Harvey, and how higher-education institution(s) response to the COVID-19 pandemic influenced the health and education of first-generation college students.
Nadia LuisLuisNadiaLab Member
Sustainability, harm reduction, conservation, food justice, film, ethnography
My research is currently over investigating alternative restaurant models and nonprofit land management income strategies for my graduate thesis. My hope is to identify a mutually beneficial relationship between a restaurant model that is a non-profit and a nature preserve, where profits can go towards supporting a wildlife conservation/land management effort.
Memphis MalloryMalloryMemphisLab Member
I am interested in how translations (especially German to English translations) change the reception and impact of narratives. I am also interested in the cultural influence of heroic epics, as well as the application of gender studies in Aegean prehistory.
I will be using the lab to support current research I am undertaking that is examining the reception of classical texts like the Iliad and the Odyssey, and how translations can influence the modern reader's perception of different characters, cultural values, etc. I hope to use the lab's resources to support an iconographic analysis I am pursuing as well.
Daniela Martinez HerreraMartinez HerreraDanielaLab Member
Applied Anthropology, Border studies, Ethnographic research, Latinx Studies
I will be working on my thesis proposal this semester. It will be about issues with the identification of those who die trying to cross the border in Eagle Pass, TX. Ethnographic research will be used in my thesis to help better understand why these issues are happening.
Rebecca MasseyMasseyRebeccaLab Member
Medical Anthropology, feminism, evolutionary psychology, evolutionary Anthropology, primatology
I am part of a research class with Dr. Villarreal this semester. We have a partnership with the San Pedro cemetery community and will be conducting community based research. Our goal is to aid the community in restoring and preserving the cemetery and its history.
Isabella MavourneenMavourneenIsabellaLab Nember
Biological anthropology, linguistics, cultural anthropology, archaeology, aquatic biology, biology, paleozoology, paleontology, evolution, ecology, behavior, water, birds, mammals, insects, reptiles, amphibians
I would love to conduct research of the evolution of linguistics and cultures and how they intertwine.
Dr. R. Jon McGeeMcGeeR. JonAffiliated Faculty
Maya, anthropology of religion, culture, theory, and field research methods
Mia McPikeMcPikeMiaLab Member
literature, horror fiction, cultural anthropology, behavior, philosophy
This semester I will be researching for my thesis and connecting with other lab members to grow my knowledge and perspective. I am also interested in participating in collaborative efforts with others who have similar areas of interest! Additionally, I would like to become more familiar with technologies that can assist my research.
Manar NaserNaserManarLab Staff
digital anthropology, science and technology studies, AI, social media, internet culture
My master's thesis focuses on how AI philosophies influence Central Texan entrepreneurs' perceptions and conceptions of the future. My research interests lie in artificial intelligence, science and technology studies, social media, and internet culture.
Rhiannon NelsonNelsonRhiannonLab Member
Religious studies, social justices, folklore, feminism, and representation in media.
I would like to put together a video series of anthropology topics in the news or a documentary about superstitions and hometown myths. I believe that if there were more options to interact with the knowledge in the anthropology field, the participation would expand.
Kesiena OniovosaOniovosaKesienaLab Member
Psychology, African studies, feminism, linguistics
I will be participating in a class project, specifically as it revolves around indigenous communities and their burial practices. I also plan on taking the more creative spin on the project. Currently, I am thinking of making a play or perhaps a short animation to document the experiences of the indigenous population at San Pedro.
Rene ResendizResendizReneLab Member
medical anthropology, forensic anthropology, biological anthropology, and applied anthropology
This semester, I hope to continue my research regarding the nursing shortages within the United States. Currently, I am combing through the available literature in order to craft a scoping review. I also wish to use this lab to work on different class projects and, when I have a better idea of what it will be, my graduate thesis.
Lauren ScottScottLaurenLab Staff
Anthropology of Education, Medical Anthropology, Mental health, Asian Studies, Accessibility
I am interested in creating a podcast with the intention of interviewing faculty and graduate students about their anthropological interests/research for prospective students to ""meet the faculty"" before choosing Texas State or taking a class in the department. I am also interested in making our course material more accessible by making our textbooks into audiobooks and/or making tutorial YouTube videos about reoccurring concepts in our field.
Caroline StoryStoryCarolineLab Staff
African studies, English language hegemony, language attitudes and identity, multilingualism, post-colonialism, sociocultural and linguistic anthropology
My aim is to develop the linguistic perspective in the InnoAnth Lab and the department as a whole by emphasizing the imperative role language plays in social and cultural research. I will be utilizing my background in phonetics and sociolinguistics to develop ethnographic resources such as fieldwork and language documentation tools, methods for interviews and cross-cultural communication, and guides for digital behavioral data collection and analysis.
Dr. Nicole TaylorTaylorNicoleAffiliated Faculty
Language, gender, and identity; teasing and gossip practices; childhood obesity and body image; adolescent and emerging adult health; youth and social media; ethnographic and applied research methods; contemporary U.S. and educational research settings
Annemarie TeagleTeagleAnnemarieLab Staff
feminism, oral histories, deadheads, fan and music culture, business anthropology, applied anthropology, cultural anthropology, archives, gender studies
I will be starting to develop my thesis idea and begin working on my proposal. The lab space is an excellent location to work on projects away from more crowded areas on campus as well as within Evans. For my thesis, I want to incorporate some type of visual data collection, but have no previous experience. This isn't something taught in class. I know the InnoAnth lab has tools to assist me as I learn this form of data collection new to me.
Marisela (Viv) TrevinoTrevinoMarisela (Viv)Lab Staff
Native American literature, feminist studies, linguistics, pop culture, horror and trauma, speculative fiction, supernatural literature.
I study ghosts in literature; how they function, what their trauma says about the situation, and how it informs an audience. I am hoping that I can branch out into the podcasting world, and find help (a program, or someone who can help) convert data into statistics. As I explore my research, and fine tune it, I am definitely looking for a community with which I can grow as a researcher. I think this lab would be a great way to begin developing those connections.
Race ValentiValentiRaceLab Member
3D Printing, repatriation, archeology, cultural anthropology, heritage management, curation, restoration of artifacts, artifact replication, experimental archeology
I will be researching and performing tasks relating to me thesis this year. I plan on trying to use 3D printing methods to help replicate artifacts belonging to people around the world, in the hopes that the replication of said artifact will allow the original artifact to be returned to its rightful owners, while the copy can continue to be used for research and museum purposes.
Dr. Angela VandenBroekVandenBroekAngelaDirector of the InnoAnth Lab
Director of the Innovative Anthropologies Lab
science and technology studies (STS); feminist STS; business anthropology, design anthropology, applied anthropology; innovation; entrepreneurship; technologies; design; futures and foresight; expertise; ignorance and agnotology; and infrastructure
Sameeha VardhanVardhanSameehaLab Staff
Cultural Anthropology, Marriage, Gender, Kinship, Design Anthropology, STS, Screen, Interface, Virtual Ethnography
An Anthropological study of Screen and Interface in the context of Indian matrimony: Studying matrimonial (marriage) websites can reveal how design gets integrated into social norms of kinship, gender, religion, caste, and so on. I'd be looking at how technology gets socially appropriated, how it mediates intimate relations, and how 'technology in use’ is different from ‘technology in design'.
Dr. Aimee VillarrealVillarrealAimeeAffiliated Faculty
sanctuary movements, place justice and restorative practices, queer/trans studies
Monuments and place names as they relate to ethnic conflict, social justice, and truth and reconciliation processes in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I am also making a documentary and writing ethnography about Chicanx drag king culture as spiritual activism with a group in San Antonio called Los MENtirosos.
Maengun A. WallingWallingMaengun A.Lab Member
Historical Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology, linguistic anthropology
I would like to utilize the lab equipment for interviews to learn more about the traditional beliefs of minority groups and to gain a better understanding of the individual cultures and how they may or may not have changed over time due to external/internal factors.
Dr. Rich WarmsWarmsRichAffiliated Faculty
West African economies, merchants, veterans of colonial armies, Islam in West African society, history of theory in anthropology, pedagogic methods
Ian WhiteheadWhiteheadIanLab Member
Cultural Anthropology, RV Parks, Archaeology
My thesis is an ethnography of RV parks.