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Fall 2024 Events

Exploring Diverse Presepectives in a Changing Society

A Texas State University Graduate and Undergraduate Research Conference

cdgs green flyer

Our Keynote Speaker: Donzaleigh Abernathy

Black and White Photo

Donzaleigh Abernathy is an American actress , author, and civil rights activist.

Here is a link to her website:

Tan and Orange Sticker

Other Important Information

Equipment we can provide presenters includes a projecter and printed posters. The rest of the required equipment will have to be brought by presenters.  

If you have any questions, please contact, Aynsli Dougherty at!

The Center for Diversity and Gender Studies is proud to present our upcoming research conference on November 2, 2024. We are hosting Donzaleigh Abernathy as our keynote speaker. 

Reminder that this is an in-person event!

Register and submit your presentations through the flyer QR-codes! 

  • Presentations are due by October 18, 2024 at 11:59 pm CT. 
  • You will be Notified by October 25, 2024 if your presentations 

Breakfast will be provided as we welcome guest and await the beginning of Ms.Abernathy's speech at 10:00 am. Lunch willl also be provided by CDGS later in the day. 


  • Check-in for presenters will begin at 8:30 am at Trauth Huffman Hall 
  • Check-in for attendees will also be provided by CDGS later in the day. 

Types of Presentations

A. Presentation of Research 

This session type will include a formal oral presentation of research with an optional accompanying PowerPoint. Your presentation should be between 10 and 15 minutes long to allow for discussion. Keep in mind how you might engage and involve your audience. Essays may fall under the categories for qualitative, quantitative, historical, applied, and/or interdisciplinary research. These essays may include graphs, charts, images, or other infographics to support your research. Texas State provides students with templates for PowerPoint presentations, and they can be downloaded here:


B. Rountable Research Presentation and Discussion 

This session involves discussions where the presenters' research will benefit and evolve from discussions held with attendees and other presenters alike. Each table will feature 2 or 3 researchers with related or interconnecting topics. Each presenter will have 10 to 15 minutes for their individual presentation, as this will allow time for meaningful, in-depth discusssions between presenters and attendees. 

C. Poster Presentations

This session type will involve in-depth discussions between presenters and attendees regarding the reserach being presented. We expect presenters to be at the posted site of their presentation for duration of the session to allow for conversation and questions. Posters will be displayed in Thrauth Huffman Hall 308 and 310 (Formerly UAC). Texas State provides students with templates for research poster presentations, and they can be downloaded here: