Class of 2020 Commencement Registration Form

Complete this registration form if you are a Texas State University Class of 2020 graduate who would like to participate in your college's commencement ceremony this fall. Your registration will be reviewed and you will receive an email once it has been approved.

ID number starts with an A followed by numbers
i.e. Boko (boh koh)
This will further assist us in matching your records
From which Texas State college did you earn your degree?
Do you permit Texas State to include your name in the Commencement Program? *
Do you permit Texas State to include your name, address and email address in the graduation list to the photographer for the specific purpose of mailing commencement photographs to you? *
Do you permit Texas State to include your name, address and email adddress in the graduation list to the regalia vendor for the specific purpose of mailing information to you regarding regalia (cap and gown), invitations, and diploma frames? *
Do you permit Texas State to include your name, degree, major, and graduation with academic honors status (if applicable) in the graduation list to the vendor for the specific purpose of displaying this information on screen as you cross the stage? *
Do you permit Texas State to provide your name, address and email address to the Texas State Alumni Association for the specific purpose of updating your information in the alumni database? *
Commencement Staff will contact you for more details
You may be contacted to be featured in an upcoming TXST news story