9 hours cannot count towards any other degree requirement
(including core, major, or other minors)
12 credit hours must be at an advanced level
Minor in Honors Studies
21 hours 15 hours of coursework + 6 hours of Capstone + CCE

What is the CCE?
The "Cross-Cultural Experience" is a great opportunity to break out of your comfort zone, to learn about a new place and culture, or to get engaged with a new community in a meaningful way. Explore your options through Education Abroad or independent research.

Important! Minoring in Honors Studies means you need:
HON 4390A - Capstone Development
(or a substitute pre-approved by the Honors College)
HON 4390B/4090 - Capstone
Completed CCE
(or a substitute pre-approved by the Honors College)
HON 4390B/4090 - Capstone
Completed CCE
10% Did you know...
10% of Honors students pursue the Minor in Honors Studies!
Ready to Declare?
Meet with an Honors Advisor to discuss the requirements and ensure you understand the expectations of the Honors Studies minor before we add it to your degree