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Honors Summer Math Camp Application

2025 HSMC Online Application

This is the application form for the 2025 Honors Summer Math Camp program, a residential summer math program for high school students. The camp will be held at Texas State University from June 15 - July 26, 2025.

The deadline to apply to camp is April 15.  Returning students are encouraged to apply by February 15.  We have a rolling admissions and our program often fills up before the application deadline.   Please give us a call at 512-245-3837 if you have questions or need help with the application.

You will need the following to complete your online application:

1.  Essay - (Required) Upload an essay with this application.  

2.  Transcript or Latest Report Card - (Required) Upload your transcript or latest report card with this application. 

Your application will not be complete until we receive your:

3. Teacher Recommendation - (Required) Your teacher must complete the online recommendation form at this link: Teacher Recommendation Form.  Your teacher must complete the form and upload a letter.  

Note: after you click "submit," the system will automatically e-mail you a copy of your application.

Year *
Camp Name *

Applicant's Information

Are you a U.S. Citizen? *

Note:  Student's E-mail address is the email that we will use to contact you with all relevant information about camp!

Parent Contact Information

School Information

Math Courses Already Taken

If you have already completed any of the math courses listed below, please indicate the letter grade you received, e.g., "A", "B", "C".

Transcript/Report Card

Please upload a copy (PDF format only) of your transcript/report card using the selection button below. 


Please upload a one-page essay (PDF format only) to cover topics described below.

What topics should my essay cover? *

First-year Student Essay Topics

Please upload an application essay below.  Please submit a one-page essay that addresses the following prompts:

  1. How did you learn about our program?
  2. Describe your mathematics background and what you have enjoyed exploring? 
  3. What other activities are you engaged in doing?
  4. What excites you about coming to this program?

Include your full name at the top of your essay.  Thank you.

Second- and Third-year Student Essay Topics

Please upload an application essay below.  Please submit a one-page essay that addresses the following prompts:

  1. How did you learn about our program?
  2. Please describe your experience at HSMC and why you would like to return. 
  3. What have you been studying in mathematics?
  4. What other activities are you engaged in doing?

Include your full name at the top of your essay.  Thank you.

Need-Based Financial Aid

Note:  No payment due with application.  If you are accepted, your acceptance letter will reflect the amount due.  Limited scholarship assistance is available from the Mathworks Endowments and other donations.  Please complete this section to be considered for scholarship assistance. 

The full tuition for the program is $6,600.  This covers room and board, supplies, and a copy of Mathematica to use during the school year.  Students may wish to bring a small amount of money for miscellaneous expenses.

If you are not seeking a need-based scholarship, simply put "N/A".

1. Do you qualify for the Free or Reduced Lunch Program? (We will verify your status with your school.) *
4. Are you involved with a sponsoring organization? Example: National Math Stars *

By checking below, you are agreeing with the statement. *