Learn more about Math Explorations

Authors: Hiroko Warshauer, Terry McCabe, Max Warshauer

Authors: Terry McCabe, Hiroko Warshauer, Max Warshauer

Authors: Max Warshauer, Alex White, Terry McCabe, Hiroko Warshauer
- Texas Education Agency Approved
- Enables students to build a solid foundation for math success
- Is a three-volume series for middle school math: 6th, 7th, and 8th grades
- Integrates learning from more than 25 years of summer math programs
- Aligns with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for grades 6, 7, and 8
- Prepares students for success on the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) and the Texas Algebra I End of Course (EOC) exam
- Prepares students for the STAAR math exams and the Texas Algebra 1 EOC
- On the Texas adopted textbook list
- Fully aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS)
- Designed in Texas for Texas schools
- Engages young students in using pre-algebraic and algebraic ideas
- Includes hands-on, inquiry based math activities that lead to in-depth problem solving
- Is research-based, classroom-tested, and developed by nationally renowned mathematics educators
For more information contact us:
mathworks@txstate.edu or 512.245.3439
Reviews & Testimonials
"Product Strengths: Focuses on the precise use of mathematical language. Algebraic concepts are integrated throughout each textbook. Multiple opportunities for students to communicate their thinking in written and spoken formats." - excerpt of external review of Math Explorations by LearningList.com
From students
McAllen, Texas students say:
"Math Explorations allows me to practice what we have learned in class and become more experienced in the topic."
"Using Math Explorations REALLY does help me succeed in math."
"I never knew that some of the stuff I'm learning even existed! I would like to learn more from this book."
"I think that this book is a good tool because it prepares us for algebra in the older grades. I am enjoying using this book. I am learning so much from this book and I like being challenged."
"I love using it [the textbook] because I learn more and more and more math."
"I am looking forward to another semester with the awesome book and teacher."
"I love this book. It's small and not very heavy. And it has a lot of information."
"I think it is fun yet challenging...it is a great book. I've advanced a lot more in my studies and in math class."
"I've always had a hard time learning math, but this book helps me a little more to understand."
"Math is easy and fun after you learn how to do it. This book explains things well and is easy to understand."
"I love Math Explorations. I can't wait till next semester to use Math Explorations more."
"This book is teaching me more than I usually learn."
"It's a challenging book and I am looking forward to studying it again."
"I like this book because it makes complicated things easier."
San Marcos, Texas students say:
"The activities [from Math Explorations] we do are great, especially because I get to learn more than I have in the past."
"I love this class and I learn a lot. I would like to continue using Math Explorations!"
"I love Math Explorations because I was introduced to it at Math Camp in the summer!"
"I do like all of the models because they explain the why."
"Our daughter is doing amazingly well in Algebra. I was a little hesitant and concerned that she may have a hard time keeping up but she has a solid 'A' in that class." - San Marcos parent of 6th grader taking Algebra I.
Midland, Texas students say:
"I'm not a very good English or history person. But when it comes to math and science, I love it. This curriculum was a great experience. I love to be challenged. I look forward to a challenge, and without a great challenge I would be discouraged about math. I thought this was the best challenge I have ever faced."
From teachers
McAllen, Texas teachers say:
"I love this curriculum. I love how it is getting [the students] to start doing algebra and thinking more critically."
"I received my TAKS scores and 95% of the kids passed! I think your curriculum is great for the new rigors of STAAR testing. your questions are so thought-provoking and really make kids think."
"The textbooks: I love how the chapters begin with a launch to stimulate thinking. Then it goes into the lesson with good examples explaining the processes for the concepts. Finally, it has problems that range from easier ones to more complicated ones. I love the variety! The program: this program has the availability of higher-level problem solving strategies that can push students to above level thinking. The warm-ups: I love having built-in warmups so I don't have to make them up as we go. It is wonderful."
"Midland ISD has had the pleasure of working with the Texas State University Mathworks Program for the past three years. Texas State University has provided many of our 6th through 8th grade teachers with excellent training in problem solving and algebraic reasoning. MISD held two highly successful summer math camps using the Mathworks model in the past and is looking forward to our third camp in June 2012...During the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 school years, the Math Explorations Part 2 curriculum was utilized in our Pre-AP 7th grade math classrooms and the Commended Performance rate on the math TAKS increased both years. Through the grant-funded project with Texas State University, four sixth-grade teachers piloted the Math Explorations Part 1 curriculum. These four teachers thoroughly enjoyed utilizing the curriculum, praising the engaging activities and increased rigor. Even though the grant has ended, these four teachers chose to continue instructing with the Mathworks curriculum in 2011-2012. Midland ISD and Texas State University have enjoyed a wonderful three year partnership. Midland teachers and students will continue to reap the benefits for years to come." - Secondary Math Supervisor
San Marcos, Texas teachers say:
"Some curriculums are just skill-based, some curriculums are just problem-based. And this one - it melds both of those things together. So the kids are getting skills, and they're figuring out story problems, and understanding why things are happening."
"I will say that out of the three [curricula] that I have done, this is by far my favorite."
"I like it. I really like the fact that most of the concepts are explicitly explained in the textbook. It uses correct mathematical notation. It doesn't water things down. It's trying to get the kids to rise to the higher level."
"I really like it. I think it build them up and brings it to, 'Well, okay, I can do this with just regular numbers but I could also do this with algebra'. It shows them the link between it."
"I really like the Mathworks curriculum. I like their explorations and how they get the students. You're giving them the problem and see how they solve it. I think they learn best if they discover it themselves instead of telling them the answer."
"I think that a big part of the Mathworks philosophy is getting the kids to be problem-solvers instead of answer-finders. The problems are very rich. They're not just 'OK, here's a problem, we're going to work this out, got my answer and move on.' They have to think about the, they have to read carefully, and apply knowledge of variables and the content."
"The main emphasis as I see it, it's all algebra related, it's all algebraic. So you learn something fairly quickly at the foundational level but then it always kicks in to its algebra counterpart. Again, the whole program is getting them into algebra sooner, getting them to variables and understanding unknowns and all of that."
"I think that one of the ideas or the points of the Mathworks program is that algebra is the foundation for all higher math, and the better their foundation in algebra the better they will do in all higher math. So I think that they're trying to build a very good algebra foundation so that they'll be more successful later in the higher math classes."
"We have been using the Mathworks curriculum for the past 7 years. Each section has a great engagement activity to start, followed by explorations and example problems. The students really enjoy discovering how to work through problems instead of being given an algorithm. I think learning this way helps them become more involved in the learning process and consequently able to make mathematical connections they might not otherwise be able to make.
Austin, Texas teachers say:
"There are plenty of practice problems in each section that covers the basic skills, but also weave in algebraic concepts so that when students take Algebra, they are used to seeing variables and solving equations. Some of our favorite problems are the challenge problems at the end of each chapter. These are especially useful for differentiation and teaching the importance of problem solving. The Mathworks team provides answer keys for the workbook as well as support anytime for questions we have about the curriculum."
From community leaders
"As we roll out the Mathworks curriculum to everyday classrooms, I forsee the day when young students will no longer be plagued by a deficiency in math skills." - Jim Smith, Mathworks Advisory Board member, trustee of St. Edward's University
"It's imperative that the methods and materials from the summer camps make their way into the mathematics curriculum so that everyone can benefit from a much higher level of understanding." - Jeff Kodosky, Mathworks Advisory Board member, co-founder of National Instruments
"I am excited about Mathworks because of the demonstrated effectiveness of introducing algebra concepts in 6th and 7th grade math classes." - Robert Rutishauser, Mathworks Advisory Board member, former CFO of MCC
Click to see what each grade level of curriculum includes
- Student Textbook (hard-copy and PDF file versions): self-contained textbook
- Student Workbook (hard-copy and PDF file versions): consumable product that students can write in
- Teacher Edition (hard-copy and PDF file versions): includes all the content of the student textbook, in addition to warm-ups, activities, and solutions
- Scope & Sequence: recommended pacing for the curriculum for a school-year
- Benchmark Tests aligned to the curriculum
- Spanish glossary
- Additional online resources for teachers
- Online learning tools for students