2025 Half-Day Junior Summer Math Camp Application
This is the online application form for the half-day JSMC in San Marcos, Texas. The 2025 program will be held at Miller Middle School from June 2 - 12, 2025; Monday - Thursday from 8:00 am (breakfast at 7:30 am) until 1:30 pm. Once you submit this form, we will award financial assistance (if applicable) based on your financial needs statement and we will contact you with updated program cost.
Note: after you click "submit," the system will automatically e-mail you a copy of your application.
* Indicates a required field
Emergency Contact Information
NOTE: This person will be contacted in the event that we cannot get in contact with the parent/guardian listed above.
Math Quest Camp Class Selection
Please review the topics by class to make sure you place your child appropriately. If you'd like, you may also work some sample problems from each class here in order to better select a class for your child. Remember, the grades in parenthesis are just a guideline and not a requirement. Teacher recommendation may be requested for students that are outside the suggested grade for each level.
Bus Service (San Marcos CISD Students ONLY!)
Please answer the following three questions ONLY if you are enrolled in the San Marcos Consolidated Independent School District.
Financial Aid
Tuition is $400. Thanks to the support of foundations, corporations, and alumni/parents, we are able to offer full and partial scholarships to students with financial need. To be considered for a camp scholarship, you must fill out the financial aid section below. Scholarship decisions will be made as soon as we receive your application and financial needs statement. If you apply for a scholarship, please do not pay until we notify you with scholarship amount awarded and updated balance due.
After finalizing your financial aid, you will receive information about the status of your application. Your application is not considered complete until we have received all forms and payment (as described above). Full refund if withdrawn by May 1st, half refund if withdrawn by May 15, no refund after May 15. If needed, payment plans are available.
The information in all the fields below is required to be considered for financial assistance.
If you are not seeking financial assistance, simply put "N/A" in each field.