Half-Day Information
The Mathworks JSMCH provides a unique mathematical learning community for elementary and middle school students, pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, master teachers, undergraduate students, graduate students, and university faculty. Young students have role models who provide a vision for why studying math is important and how students can use what they learn to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
The Half-Day JSMC is held at Miller Middle School in San Marcos, Texas:
- The program is open enrollment (we keep registering students until we have reached capacity). There is no selection process for the Half-Day JSMC. We register all interested students who apply until we have reached capacity.
- We accept 200 - 210 students in grades 3-8* each summer in the Half-Day Junior Summer Math Camp
- We hold this program in partnership with San Marcos CISD
- See below for more information about need-based camp scholarships
The full tuition cost is $400. If needed, payment plans are available. Your student's spot in the program is ensured only when you have paid in full.
Refund schedule
- Full refund: if you withdraw your student before May 1st
- Half refund: if you withdraw your student before May 15th
- No refunds: if withdrawing after May 15th
Student Participation
Students are expected to follow all rules and regulations, and to respect camp property and facilities. Parents will be billed for any damage caused by their children's negligence. If a student is being a major distraction to the learning of others or poses safety concerns, the parent/guardian will be notified and asked to pick up their student as soon as possible.
* Exceptions to grade level will be made depending on mathematical background and experience. Class changes can be made only on the first two days of camp if space is available.
To Apply
- Complete the online student application form
- Remember to complete the financial aid section of the application if you wish to apply for a camp scholarship
- Applications are accepted until camp is full. Subject to close at any time. We highly encourage early enrollment as we enroll applicants until the camp is filled.
- We award need-based camp scholarships based on the amount of external funding (grants and donations) we have each summer.
To better access which Math Quest Class your student should be placed in please follow this link!
Mathworks does not provide transportation for students.
San Marcos CISD will provide bus transportation only for San Marcos CISD students attending the Half-Day JSMC. We will have information about times and routes in late May. For more information about the buses, contact San Marcos School District at 512-393-6700.
For parents dropping off students, please walk your student(s) to the check-in location at the SMCISD host school to sign in your student. Please pick up your student at the same check-in location to sign your student out.
Daily Schedule (Classes are held Monday - Thursday) |
7:30 - 8:00am, Breakfast |
8:00 - 10:15am, Class |
10:15 - 10:45am, Break/Snack (15 minutes per class) |
10:30 - 12:30pm, Class |
12:30- 1:30pm, Lunch |