Colloquium Topics
- June 7 - Matthew Kroesche; Fermat’s theorem on sums of two squares; specifically looking at the history behind it and some of the tools Euler used to prove it (e.g. infinite descent).
- June 21 - Mike Starbird; To Infinity and Beyond
- June 28 - Christine Lee; Understanding knots via surfaces and some of the tools Euler used to prove it (e.g. infinite descent).
- July 5 - Cancelled
- July 12 - Will Boney; Proving Unprovability
- July 19 - Wade Hines; TBD
- July 26 - Ben Salinas; PID Controllers
- June 9 - Lauren Siegel; Executive Director, MathHappens Foundation
- June 23 - Sameer Deshpande; A personalistic Approach to Probability
- June 30 - Hiro Tanaka; The Euler Characteristic
- July 6 - Admiral Bob Inman; Life Story and Lessons Learned
- July 7 - Betseygail Rand; Residential Segregation Patterns and Single-Member Voting Districts: When is a fair district plan available?
- July 14 - Mike Starbird; Cutting Cake for Greedy People - Topology to the Rescue
- July 21 - Christina Koehne; Thinking About Thinking Deeply: Strategies for GCF & LCM Reverse Engineering
- July 28 - Steve McAdam; Ptolemy’s Theorem
- June 10, Edward Early, St. Edwards University, What’s your problem?
- June 24, Vivian Healy, Texas State University, Probability (Almost) Everywhere
- July 1, Mike Starbird, U. Texas, Geometric Gems
- July 6, Admiral Bob Inman, U. Texas, Life Story and Lessons Learned
- July 8, Joel Spencer, Courant Institute, Counting Primes – Asymptotically
- July 15, Steve McAdam, U. Texas, Primes and the Riemann Hypothesis
- July 18- 21, Dan Shapiro, Ohio State U., Sums of Squares, Fibonacci Numbers Mod p
- July 29, Christine Lee, Why knots?
- July 26, HSMC Presentation of Research Projects, Research Symposium Day 1
- July 27, HSMC Presentation of Research Projects, Research Symposium Day 2
Mike Starbird, July 2, 4:00-5:15 PM; The Art Gallery Theorem
Sadly, thieves and visitors with sticky fingers require art galleries to guard their paintings, sometimes with surveillance cameras. Suppose an art gallery is bounded by a single polygonal closed curve; however, it could have lots of nooks and crannies. Because of the possibility of strange indentations and extensions, multiple cameras may be required in order to view the whole gallery. The question is, "How many cameras are necessary if the room has n straight walls?" This question was answered less than 50 years ago, but several related questions remain unanswered to this day.
Admiral Inman, July 6, 11:00 AM -12:15 PM; Life Story and World Affairs
Gail Burrill July 9, 4:00-5:15 PM Mathematics is Awesome
What are some things in mathematics you find fascinating? We’ll explore some of these from your perspectives as well as mine. We will also spend time investigating how mathematics and data can help us understand some things about the world in which we live.
Dan Shapiro, July 16, 4:00-5:15 PM; Triangular Reptiles
For a whole number k, a k-reptile is a shape in the plane that can be exactly covered with k congruent copies of a tile that is similar to the original shape. Using midpoints of the sides, a triangle is tiled by 4 congruent triangles, each similar to the original. That is: Any triangle is a 4-reptile. It is also a 9-reptile and a 16-reptile. Could some triangle be a 3-reptile? For which k is it possible for some triangle to be a k-reptile?
Lauren Ancel-Meyers, July 23, 4:00-5:15 PM; COVID-19 and Pandemics
Nathan Warshauer,July 30, 4:00-5:15 PM; Video Games and Future Directions
June 12 at 4:00 pm - All the Symmetry you can buy with Two Dollars - Cody Patterson
June 26 at 4:00 pm - My Time at Math Camp and The Five Color Theorem - Lisa Warshauer Lowrance
July 3 at 4:00 pm - Doughnuts, Dogs Bones, and Topology - Mike Starbird
July 7 at 11:00 am - Life Story and the Challenges we Face - Admiral Bob Inman
July 10 at 4:00 pm - Pick's Theorem and Farey Fraction - Evan Dummit
July 17 at 4:00 pm - A Window into the World of Mathematics Education Research - Kate Melhuish - Presentation slides
July 18 at 4:00 pm - David Bamberger
July 24 at 4:00 pm - Integer Sequences and Divisibility - Dan Shapiro - Presentation slides
July 28 at 4:00 pm - Honors Summer Math Camp students present summer research projects
July 29 at 4:00 pm - Honors Summer Math Camp research talks continued
July 31 at 4:00 pm - Modeling to Mitigate the COVID-19 Pandemic - Lauren Ancel Meyers
2019 HSMC Colloquium Topics
- Adam Lowrance - To Knot or Not to Knot
- Michael Starbird - Cake Cutting for Greedy People
- Admiral Bob Inman - Life Experiences and Lessons Learned
- Miriam Kuzbary - The Shape of Things - Organizing Space using Algebra
- Dan Shapiro - Roations
- Joel Spencer - Asymptopia
- Stephen McAdam - The Greatest Invention in the World