Annular Solar Eclipse

Phases of Eclipse
Saturday, October 14th will be an annular solar eclipse for parts of Central Texas. This weekend is also Family Weekend for Texas State University. For the occasion, Dr. Blagoy Rangelov will be hosting a viewing outside of the Roy F. Mitte Building beginning at 10:15am with the greatest eclipse occurring around 11:50am. See below for more information.
Annular Solar Eclipse Path
The observatory has open viewing sessions every other Wednesdays starting September 6th for Fall 2023. There will also additional viewings for select events which will be listed on the Astronomy Club website (astrotxst.org/events).
The Texas State Observatory is located on the roof of the Supple Science building. It is generally open from September 1st through May 5th on Wednesday nights from 7-9pm for free star gazing, provided the weather cooperates and the sky is visible. It is a non-profit organization solely run by Texas State students. The observatory houses a 16-inch telescope making our galaxies visible from both near and far.
When visiting the Texas State Observatory on Texas State's campus, visitors will take the elevators in Supple Science building to the fourth floor, and follow the signs for guidance.
For more information and updates, please check our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/astrotxst/.
Parking & Directions
Finding a place to park on campus can be difficult to say the least. Please note, there is no free visitor parking for the observatory. If you park in a restricted lot without a parking permit you will probably get a ticket. We suggest visitors park in the LBJ Student Center Parking Garage. This is a pay-to-park garage but you will probably only be there for an hour or two which will not be very expensive. For more information regarding the parking garage please use this link http://www.parking.txstate.edu/visitors#pay-park.
After parking in the garage, walk through the LBJ Student Center and take a right to head up the steps. You will cross over Comanche Street via a raised walkway and the Supple Science Building will be directly on your right after the bridge.