What Do We Offer?

  • If you want to learn how to study or refine your current methods, this presentation is for you!  In this presentation, the various methods and ways of studying are discussed.  Students have the opportunity to explore their strengths as a learner and how to best implement that in college level courses. 

  • Are you new to college and want to know the best ways to succeed?  This presentation introduces the top habits that successful college students adopt and how they can be implemented during their college career. 

  • Do you ever feel like it’s impossible to get away from your phone?  Do you doomscroll?  This presentation covers the elements of screen addiction and the ways to combat it.  Students will learn why screens are so appealing and ways to stay productive when a phone is always within an arm’s reach. 

  • Exams and tests can be scary, but they don’t have to be!  This presentation covers the best practices when preparing for tests and exams including the 5 Day Study Plan. How to learn from previous exams is also covered in this presentation. 

  • Lacking motivation? Trouble figuring out your purpose? This presentation provides strategies to find motivation and purpose while in college.  Students will have the opportunity to explore methods for figuring out their “why” and how to use that effort in positive ways. 

  • Note-taking is a skill!  This presentation introduces various methods and strategies for effective note-taking.  All classes and courses are different, so knowing multiple note-taking strategies can be advantageous throughout the collegiate career of a student. 

  • I’ll do it later.  No, wait, schedule this presentation now!  This presentation covers the reasons why we procrastinate, how to fight procrastination, and how to set priorities.  Students learn multiple ways to combat procrastination and how to maximize their time. 

  • What is SLAC and what does it do to support students? This presentation discusses the various services that the Student Learning Assistance Center provides for students. We introduce the different service areas including tutoring, Supplemental Instruction, Success Coaching, and the Veteran Academic Success Center, and how students can access those services. 

  • What is Success Coaching?  This presentation introduces Success Coaching and the services that it provides to students. Students will learn how to make appointments and what to expect in meetings with coaches. 

  • It’s time to stay calm, get organized, and learn different methods for managing your time!  This presentation introduces strategies for effective time management to excel academically and personally. Students learn ways to create an effective schedule that works for them.