Supplemental Instruction (SI) was developed by Dr. Deanna Martin at the University of Missouri at Kansas City (UMKC) in 1973 to help students struggling with pre-med courses. SI is based on learning theory and was certified by the Department of Education in 1981 as an effective intervention strategy for improving student grades, success rates, and persistence in historically challenging courses. To date, there are over 3500 institutions in the US, as well as across 6 continents, implementing SI programs. The International Center for Supplemental Instruction (ICSI), based out of UMKC, oversees the accreditation of SI programs worldwide.
About Supplemental Instruction
Supplemental Instruction Origins

Supplemental Instruction at TXST
Established in 1994, the SI program at TXST is proud to have been the 4th in the nation and 3rd in the state of Texas to earn accreditation status in 2016 and was awarded the prestigious title of “2022-2024 Exemplary SI Program” by the International Center for Supplemental Instruction. The SI program at TXST holds a strong reputation at both the institutional and international levels.