Another helpful way to visualize your college career here at Texas State CIM is to view our curriculum flowchart.
CIM Curriculum
Lower Division Coursework
Freshman Fall
- Gen Ed Component Code 010 (ENG 1310) (3 Credit Hr)
- US 1100 - University Seminar (1 Credit Hr)
- MATH 2328 - Elementary Statistics (3 Credit Hr)
- Gen Ed Component Code 060 (HIST 1310) (3 Credit Hr)
- Gen Ed Component Code 090/091 (COMM 1310) (3 Credit Hr.)
- CSM 1260 - Intro to Construction & Concrete Industry (2 Credit Hr)
- Total Semester 1 - 15 Credit Hr
Sophomore Fall
- ECO 2301 - Principles of Economics (3 Credit Hr)
- CIM 3420 - Concrete Properties & Testing (4 Credit Hr)
- CIM 3330 - Concrete Construction Methods (3 Credit Hr)
- MATH 2321 - Calculus for Life Sciences I (3 Credit Hr)
- Total Semester 3 - 13 Credit Hr
Freshman Spring
- Gen Ed Component Code 010 (ENG 1320) (3 Credit Hr)
- Gen Ed Component Code 070 (POSI 2310) (3 Credit Hr)
- PHYS 1315 - General Physics I (3 Credit Hr)
- PHYS 1115 - General Physics I Lab (1 Credit Hr)
- Gen Ed Component Code 060 (HIST 1320) (3 Credit Hr)
- CSM 2313 Arch. Design I Const. Docs (3 Credit Hr)
- Total Semester 2 - 16 Credit Hr
Sophomore Spring
- CHEM 1341/1335 - General or Engr Chemistry (3 Credit Hr)
- CHEM 1141/1135 General or Engr Chem Lab (1 Credit Hr)
- TECH 2351 - Statics & Strength of Materials (3 Credit Hr)
- CIM 3340 - Concrete Construction System (3 Credit Hr)
- ACCT 2301 - Accounting in Organizations & Society (3 Credit Hr)
- CSM 2361 - Construction Surveying (3 Credit Hr)
- Total Semester 4 - 16 Credit Hr

Required Internship
All CIM students are required to complete an internship course, for credit, as part of their degree program. This 400 Hour internship is usually completed during the summer session between the Sophomore and Junior years. Many CIM students complete multiple paid internships throughout their time at Texas State, and most accept offers of employment upon graduation from a company they interned with.
TECH 2190 - Internship (1 Credit Hr)
Upper Division Coursework
Junior Fall
- Gen Ed Component Code 050 (ART 2313) (3 Credit Hr)
- MGT 3301 - Management of Organizations (3 Credit Hr)
- CIM 3350 - Precast & Prestressed Management (3 Credit Hr)
- CIM 4350 - Advanced Concrete Technology (3 Credit Hr)
- CSM 3368 - Construction Finance (3 Credit Hr)
- Total Semester 5 - 15 Credit Hr
Senior Fall
- MKT 3343 - Principles of Marketing (3 Credit Hr)
- BLAW 3301 - Legal Environment of Business (3 Credit Hr)
- Technical Elective Group 1 (See advisor) (3 Credit Hr)
- Technical Elective Group 2 (See advisor) (3 Credit Hr)
- CIM 4310 - Senior Concrete Lab (3 Credit Hr)
- Total Semester 7 - 15 Credit Hr
Junior Spring
- Gen Ed Component Code 040 (PHIL 1305) (3 Credit Hr)
- Gen Ed Component Code 070 (POSI 2320) (3 Credit Hr)
- CIM 3366 - Applications of Concrete in Construction (3 Credit Hr)
- CIM 4330 - Management of Concrete Products (3 Credit Hr)
- CSM 4361 - Construction Estimating (3 Credit Hr)
- Total Semester 6 - 15 Credit Hr
Senior Spring
- Gen Ed Component Code 090/094 (3 Credit Hr)
- CSM 4369 - Construction Contracts, Liability & Ethics (3 Credit Hr)
- CIM 4340 - Concrete Problems: Diagnosis, Prevention, Dispute Resolution (3 Credit Hr)
- CIM 4290 - Capstone (2 Credit Hr)
- Technical Elective Group 3 (See advisor) (3 Credit Hr)
- Total Semester 8 - 14 Credit Hr

Curriculum Flow Chart
The Concrete Industry Management Program at Texas State University is accredited by The Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE). The goal of this industry driven program is to produce broadly educated, articulate graduates who are grounded in basic construction management, knowledgeable in concrete technology and techniques, and able to manage people and systems to promote products and services related to the concrete industry.