The TOEFL & GRE are standardized tests administered by ETS. The TOEFL and GRE exams are designed to assess language proficiency and graduate-level academic readiness. Please visit the ETS website for information regarding preparation, requirements, and scheduling for these exams. If you have any questions, please contact us at 512.245.2276. ETS testing not currently available at Round Rock Campus.

  • Step 1. Register for your exam. Visit the ETS website for registration instructions. Visit the TOEFL website for more information on the test of academic English communication.

    Step 2. On the test day, please bring your required materials for checking in for your specific exam. You will find all required materials on the TOEFL IBT Bulletin.

  • Step 1. Register for your exam. Visit the ETS website for registration instructions. Visit the GRE website for more information on the test for graduate-level academic readiness.

    Step 2. On the test day, please bring your required materials for checking in for your specific exam. You will find all required materials on the GRE website.

  • Valid government-issued identification with photo and signature (i.e., driver’s license, passport, state-issued ID, military ID, etc.) and a second valid ID with a signature may be required.

    Some exams allow for other types of identification or may require additional forms of identification. Refer to your specific exam requirements on the identification required for your exam.

  • Prohibited Items

    • Cameras, cell phones, optical readers, or other electronic devices that include the ability to photograph, photocopy, or otherwise copy test materials
    • Notes, books, dictionaries, or language dictionaries (except as expressly permitted by the test sponsor and named in the candidate’s confirmation letter)
    • Book bags, purses, handbags, or luggage
    • iPods, MP3 players, tablets, headphones, or pagers
    • Calculators (except as expressly permitted by the test sponsor), computers, PDAs, or other electronic devices with memory
    • Personal writing utensils (i.e., pencils, pens, and highlighters)
    • Google and smart glasses (any glasses with any electronics)
    • Watches, smart devices, and other jewelry except wedding or engagement rings
    • Weapons
    • Medicine, including cough drops (except as expressly permitted in advance)
    • Food and beverage
    • Hats, hoods, or other headgear are not permitted in the examination room unless required for religious purposes. All items are subject to inspection by the proctor if suspicious behavior is detected.
    • Coats and jackets


    The candidate may break at any time to use the restroom, get a drink of water, or stretch. Candidates are not allowed to leave the testing center or access personal belongings during unscheduled breaks. Time spent on a break cannot be made up; it is deducted from the overall testing time.

    Please review specific requirements of your exam. Some exam sponsors will not allow unscheduled breaks or have additional restrictions.

  • We are not currently available to provide testing accommodations on TOEFL & GRE exams.

  • To Test at Texas State University, San Marcos Campus

    The nearest visitor parking is in the Edward Gary Street Garage. Click here for more details.


    To Test at Texas State University, Round Rock Campus

    Please visit the Testing Center, Round Rock location page for parking directions.