Dr. Gary Beall
Regents' Professor

Office: CENT 349
Email: gb11@txstate.edu
Phone: (512) 245-8796
Fax: (512) 245-2374
Educational Background
- B.S., Chemistry, Tarleton State University (Stephenville, TX) 1972
- M.S., Physical Chemistry, Baylor University (Waco, TX) 1974
- Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, Baylor University (Waco, TX) 1975
Honors and Awards
- ACS PMSE National Award for Cooperative Research(2014)
- ACS award for Best Business Plan at the ACS Green Chemistry conference
- Formosa Professor 2011-2014
- Presidential Fellow 2009-2010
Areas of Interest
- Synthesis of nanoparticles,
- Surface modification of nanoparticles,
- Polymer nanocomposites,
- Patterning of materials on the nanoscale via self-assembly,
- Nanoscale chemical and biological sensors,
- High impact resistance materials,
- Molecular modeling of nanoscale systems
- Environmental applications of nanostructured materials