About CheMIE
Basic Information
- 10 week traditional research experience (5/29/2024 – 8/3/2024)
- 15 Faculty mentors in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Material Science/Polymers & Chemical Education
- Professional development training
- On-Campus housing
- Students will receive a $6000 stipend
- Application and two letters of recommendation due by March 1, 2024
Professional Development
Development of emerging scientific professionals is a key focus of the CheMIE REU program. REU participants will be exposed to a wide range of topics in the professional development course. Participants in this program will:
- Attend seminars covering various topics including: scientific communication, applying to graduate school and jobs, being a scientist in industry, ethics in research, etc.
- Attend workshops to develop necessary tools to pursue career goals including: creating an Individual Development Plan (IDP), creating a CV and resume with feedback from Texas State University Career Services, writing a cover letter, etc.
Integration of the REU participants with other groups at Texas State:
CheMIE REU participants will be part of a unique and diverse environment which will allow them to interact with student researchers in other fields at Texas State University. Many of the CheMIE activities will be co-attended by different groups of research students at Texas State including students from Texas State’s societies/organizations including the American Chemical Society (ACS), American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB), Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans (SACNAS), Society of Plastics Engineers, and Department of Computer Science NSF REU student participants. CheMIE REU participants will have the opportunity to extensively network with the aforementioned student groups and to interact with students with different perspectives on research and academics.

“Support for the CheMIE REU is provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF 2150510). We also thank the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, the College of Science and Engineering, the Materials Science Engineering and Commercialization Program, and STAR Park for their continued support.”