Dr.Ir. Wilhelmus J. Geerts, PhD.

Department of Physics
Texas State University
PhD. Physics, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands (1992)
MSc. Electrical Engineering, University of Technology Eindhoven, The Netherlands (1987)
Office: RFM 3228
Labs: Optical Characterization Lab (RFM 2225), Alex Zakhidov Perovskite lab (RFM2206).
Semester: Fall 2024
Office Hrs: MW 1:00-2:00 or by appointment
Course | Time | Day | Room |
PHYS 5331 | 14:00-15:20 | MW | RFM 3223 |
e-mail: wjgeerts@txstate.edu
phone: Department (512) 245-2131 or cell 512-801-4061
link to APS Online Physics Publication
"Adesse Festinant Tempora" Maarten Bouwens Rythovius.
"Door Meten, meer weten" (Through Measurement to knowledge) Kamerlingh Onnes