Wim Geerts Scholarship
"What Bird is that? What is its name?"
"Richard I can tell you the name when I knew it in all the languages of the world, but than you only know how people call it in different places. You wouldn't learn anything from it. You gotta look at the bird, listen to the bird, you gotta try to understand what it is doing".
Discussion between Richard Feynman and his dad in Infinity, 1996.
Major Research interest:
- 3D-printed Magnetic Composites (Magnetic Field Assisted Additive Manufacturing) and methods for application in novel Halbach cylinders in motors, generators, clutches, and permanent magnets.
- Magneto-elastic and Magneto-plastic properties of thin films and composites for application in actuators including artificial muscles.
- Wide bandgap Organic Perovskite thin films deposited by solvent processing for application in tandem solar cells.
- Pasivation of halide pervoskites using 2D perovskite surface layers.
- Use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques in Materials Research and Education.
Equipment we use for our Research:
- Measurement techniques available in our laboratory: MO Kerr magnetometry, rotating field magnetostriction measurement technique, van der Pauw four-point probe measurement technique, external quantum efficiency measurements on solar cells, Solar Cell efficiency measurements.
- Measurement methods we use through SRO and collaboration for our research: SEM/EDAX, XRD, Ellipsometry, Vibrating Sample Magnetometry and torque magnetometry, XPS, AFM, stylus profilometry, Photoluminescence measurements, single crystal diffractometry.
- Deposition methods available in Zakhidov Organics Semiconductor Lab : glovebox cluster including spin coater in wet glovebox and thin film evaporator in dry glovebox for solar cell device stack, water cooled FDM 3D printer for magnetic field assisted additive manufacturing.
- Deposition and manufacturing methods we use through SRO and collaboration for our research: Pulsed Laser Deposition (Dr. Droopad, Electrical Engineering), Twin Screw Extruder (Dr. Tate, Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering), glovebox and inkjet printers (Dr. Chen, Electrical Engineering).
Research Project Openings for Spring 2025-Fall-2025:
- Development of a setup to measure the magnetostriction properties of magneto-elastomers.
- Texture measurements on extruded filaments using a single crystal diffractometer
- XRD studies on mixed halide perovskites using a single crystal diffractometer.
- MOKE setup that allows for magnetic hysteresis curve measurements on samples that are exposed to a tensile strain.
- DFT calculation on CuI/2D-perovskite/3D-perovskite device stack.
Current and Past Students / Collaborations with other Laboratories:
Students 2025: Ripon Mahamudujjaman Leo Rodriguez Anisul Islam Selena Rose Najar Selena Anderson A F M Faizullah Nischhal Ghimire Prajwol Regmi Dipti Koirala Kripa Paudel
Collaborations 2025: MSEC: Oluwasola Arigbabowo (TxState) Manufacturing Engineering: Pratik Kharkanis Physics: Alan Santos (through collaboration with Drs. Luisa Scolfaro and Pablo Borges (Universidade Federal de Vicosa)
Students 2024: Gabriela Espinoza Sujan Pyakural Arjun Sapkota
Collaborations 2024: MSEC: Nischal Khakurel (TxState) Chemical Engineering: Nayeem Kashem (Texas Tech University) MSEC: Oluwasola Arigbabowo (TxState) Manufacturing Engineering: Kiran Poudal
Students 2023: Tanjina Ahmed Jonathan Alvarado
Collaborations 2023: Engineering: Chandan Howlader (TxState) Manufacturing Engineering: Mandesh Khadka (TxState)
Student 2022: Chris Selsor Marco Baca Lauren Henderson
Collaborations 2022: Mechanical Engineering: Amand Oliveira (Texas Tech University) Physics: Leo Rodriguez (TxState)
Students 2021: Danny Luna Kolton Dieckow
Collaborations 2021: Physics: Drew Amyx (TxState) Manufacturing Engineering: Camila Belduque (TxState)
Students 2020: Sam Zamora Chandan Howlader
2019: Selena Rose Najar James Nick Talbert Sarah-Beth Ragan Shankar Acharya Binod DC Clint Boldt Rigoberto Mayorga-Luna Noel Gamez
2018: Chandler Hutton Salomon Gallegos James Dobbins Samuel Kimmel(Chemistry) Andres Oliva(EE) Brian Collier Joselyn Lesikar Anival Ayala
2017: Md. Ahad Talukder Fidele Twagirayezu Anival Ayala Amanda Gregory Armando Gallegos (EE)
Aaron Medina Maria Chappell Mayuko Stauffeneger
2016: Michael Measom Sudarshan Luitel Darrell Adams Jose Majorga Cole Stevenson Yubo Cui David Torres Darren Miller
2015: James Shook Josh Thompson Leonardo Escandon Ricky Scott
2014: Maclyn Compton Ryan Laughin Joseph Sadler Michael Robinson (EE)
2013: Elizabeth Leblanc Javad Gatabi Nelson Simpson Brice Williams Garrett McSpaden Bill McKenna Rudy Holz
2012: Cynthia Montgomery Bryant Aaron (CS) Geoffrey Miller (Math) Hanu Arava
2011: Hector Valdez Alan Woodall Brandon Dillard
2010: Clint Bordelon Cliff Thompson Kyle Smith Amanda Gregory
2008: Conrad Newton Clayton Moore Chris Lohn Daniel Palmer(CS)
2007: Chris O'Brien Elaine Tennant Jonathan Garrett
2006: Daniel Fenter David Delgado Joel Dunn,
2005: Sonny Garcia Martin Hodo Matthew McDougle Miguel Bernal Vincent Sombroek
2004: Hans-Willem ten Brinke Dennis Jordan Larry Foulkrod
2003: Jacob Grimes Wendy Avila Jett Hendrixs
2002: Claude Garrett Chris Brown
2001: Brian Donehew Brenda Wilson Dustin Ragan Nazul Rivera Bobby Duran
2000: Charlie Watts Christie Weidner Dr. Archana Dubey Philip Smith (PJ) Patrick Holland Anita Acevedo
1999: Wayne Lewis Valerie Cuming Ena Bichsel
1998: Andrew Schuetze Harsha Abeywickrema
Current funding: NSF, TxState University. 2024 Progress Report
High field MO Kerr magnetometry (NHMFL)
Dissertation Thesis database library