Departmental Exams

Departmental Exams are by appointment. See the information below for the registration process.

If you are considering taking a CLEP or Departmental examination-for-credit, please read the CBE Policies page also. The Testing, Evaluation, and Measurement Center (TEMC) administers departmental exams on an institutional basis only to currently enrolled students, former students, or students who have been accepted for admission to Texas State for the following semester.

Most departmental exams can only be attempted twice; however the Computer Science test can only be attempted once.

  • The following is a listing of departmental exams that have been approved for course credit at Texas State University.

    Computer ScienceCS 14284$100$0280%
    Health Info MngtHIM 23603$40$01.560%
    MathMATH 24724$60$0470%


    Computer Science (CS 1428 or CS 3358): Please follow the instructions for Credit by Exam on the Computer Science webpage. The final step will be to email with your requested testing date and time.

    Health Information Management (HIM 2360): To register for the HIM 2360 test, please email with your requested testing date and time.

    Math (MATH 2472): This exam is offered during specified windows in August, October, January, March, and May. To register for the next upcoming test window, email to begin the registration process. Retakes cannot occur within the same test window as the first attempt.

    In addition to the exams above, the Music department offers exams-for-credit in various music courses, and the Department of World Languages & Literatures offers exams-for-credit in American Sign Language, Arabic, Chinese, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, and Russian. Please contact those departments for more information about those exams.

    Students in the Department of Occupational, Workforce, and Leadership Studies (OWLS), may have additional credit-by-exam options.

  • Students with disabilities who may require accommodations (alternative format, reader service, extended time, etc.) must contact Disability Services (DS; 512.245.3451) prior to taking the test. Verification of disability will be required. Non-Texas State students who require accommodations must request that the office analogous to DS at their school provide to us a list of approved testing accommodations to if you intend to test at the San Marcos campus or if you intend to test at the Round Rock campus.

    Additionally, all examinees who require accommodations must complete an Accommodated Testing Request Form to test at either facility at least two weeks prior to the desired exam date. If you intend to test at the San Marcos campus, please complete the SM Accommodated Testing Request Form. If you intend to test at the Round Rock campus, please complete the TCRR Accommodated Testing Request Form. Requests will be processed within two business days. Please note the operating hours for each campus testing center and available start times for the exam you wish to take when selecting your appointment time, and make sure to take into account additional time you may need.