Frequently Asked Questions
What is US 1100?
University Seminar (US 1100) is a course designed to help meet transitional needs of new Texas State University students. The course encourages reflection upon the value and nature of a university education, as well as helping students to develop strategies for life-long learning. Course content includes class discussion, student participation, and involvement in the university community. University departments, speakers, and events are commonly used resources for US 1100.
Who takes US 1100?
All first-year students who have completed 0-15 hours of college credit after high school graduation must take US 1100. Students who are unsure of their requirements should check with their advising center.
Who teaches US 1100?
US 1100 is taught by Texas State University faculty and staff from all departments and offices throughout campus. All instructors are required to have a Master's degree and previous teaching experience.
I'm in the Honors College / Residential College program. How do I register for US 1100?
Special sections of University Seminar are reserved for students in these programs. A student in these programs must receive an override from the program director, and then the student must register for that section. Without the override, the student will be denied registration access to the section. If you have any questions, please contact the director of the program.
How often does this course meet?
US 1100 classes meet once a week for at least 50 minutes for the entire semester.
Do I get credit for the class?
Yes. US 1100 is a one-credit-hour class in which students earn a letter grade of A, B, C, D, or F.
I don't think I have to take US 1100. What should I do?
If you are not sure if you should take US 1100, see your academic advisor.