Drop Lecture Override Request
**March 25th at 11:59pm Last Day to Drop a Course with an Automatic W Grade **
This form is to request dropping the lecture course but to remain in the corresponding lab. This request cannot be made prior to the semester deadlines listed below which are approximately 2 weeks prior to the automatic “W” date for Fall/Spring semester.
If you wish to drop the lecture prior to the deadlines below, you must drop both the lecture and the lab.
Fall 2024
March 25th Spring 2025
Summer I 2025
Summer II 2025
Upon receiving your request, the department will review and enter the override and then notify you when it has been entered. Once you receive the notification, you will need to take further action by logging in to CatsWeb to drop the lecture.
Do not attempt to drop the lecture until you receive the email that the override is entered.
By submitting this form, I am requesting an override so that I may drop the lecture course and remain in the corresponding laboratory course. I understand that the lecture and the laboratory are complimentary to each other and that dropping the lecture may impact the knowledge that I need to successfully complete the laboratory course.
By pressing “Submit”, I agree that this serves as my signature for the override request.