Internship Override Request

This form is for students who are requesting an override into the internship class for a future semester. Students who have already secured an internship must also submit the Internship Approval Request

Applicant Information

If applicable
I've completed at least 60 hours of semester hour coursework. *
But I will have by the time I'm taking the internship.
Please note you may not be eligible for an internship.
Found on your degree audit or transcript. Please note a GPA below 3.00 may make you ineligible.
Found on your degree audit or transcript. Please note a GPA below 2.75 may make you ineligible.

Internship Information

Which internship class do you want to take? *
Undergraduate, requires 150 hours at internship site
Undergraduate, requires 300 hours at internship site.
Graduate, requires 150 hours at internship site
What semester will you take this class?
I understand my internship must be related to my major concentration and international studies. *


I understand I must submit the Internship Approval Form once I have secured an internship. *
I understand that I must complete 150/300 hours' of work at my internship site. *
IS 4387/5387 require 150 hours, IS 4687 requires 300 hours.
I understand that I am responsible for my travel to/from my intership (if applicable) *
I understand that I must submit my required internship assignments by the relevant deadlines for the semester. *
Dates vary, but assignments are due on the last day of classes in the semester.

Have you already secured an internship? *
Please email for assistance
You must submit your internship for approval at