Project Kolton Dieckow
Vibrating Sample Magnetometry: Influence of sample postion on Sensitivity and Cross Talk. |
Kolton Dieckow.
Texas State University at San Marcos, Department of Physics, RFM 2225, 601 University Drive, San Marcos, TX78666.
A biaxial Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) vibrates a magnetic sample inside a controlled magnetic field and uses the induced voltage across the pickup coils to determine the sample's magnetic moment. From the hysteresis graph, magnetic moment versus field, one determines the sample's magnetic moment and coercivity. The angle dependence of those properties are often used to determine the magnetic anisotropy. The conventional method for aligning the samples in a VSM is to use a preset field value and then manually center the sample based on the x-sensitivity, Sxx(x,y,z). Here we explore other aligning approaches for a modified Mallinson pickup coil configuration, including using the cross talk Sxy(x,y,z) and Sxz(x,y,z) functions. Preliminary model calculations show that this approach is less susceptible to small misalignment errors in the z-direction and a more accurate positioning of the sample is possible. Few studies have been conducted to examine this relation and how it can affect VSM measurements of samples. Step motors to control the sample position were installed on a MicroSense EZ9 biaxial VSM. A variety of measurements of the Sensitivity and Crosstalk were performed with changing angle, position and field strength, and will be discussed. *This work was supported in part by NSF through a DMR-MRI grant under award 1726970. Publications: [1] Kolton Dieckow, Automatic Allignment Methods for VSM using magnetic low-anisotropic samples with reduced time and higher precission thesis[2] Arjun Sapkota, Leo Rodriguez, Binod D.C, Kolton Dieckow, Chandan Howlader, Jitendra Tate, Wilhelmus Geerts, "On the origin of systematic errors in VSM Torque Curves", AIP Advances 14, 1, 015048, 2024, On the origin of systematic errors in VSM torque curves | AIP Advances | AIP Publishing (impact factor 1.697). [3] Kolton Dieckow, Binod D.C., Chandan Howlader, Erik Samwel, Wilhelmus J. Geerts, "A new method to allign the sample in a VSM furbished with a modified Mallinson coil set using circular trajectories", in preparation. Presentations/Posters: [1] Kolton Dieckow, Sarah Beth Ragan, Chandan Howlader, Binod D.C., Wilhelmus Geerts, Biaxial VSM Sensitivity and Crosstalk Measurement Dependence for Sxx(x,y,z), Sxy(x,y,z), and Sxz(x,y,z), poster presentation Fall-2019 meeting of the TSAPS, Lubbock, October 25-26, 2019.[2] Kolton Dieckow, Chandan Howlader, Tanjina Ahmed, Maria Camila Belduque, Jitendra Tate, Wilhelmus Geerts, “Effect of Field Orientation and Infill Percentage on the VSM calibration factor of FFM 3D printed samples”, MMM 2020 conference, oral presentation, Palm Beach Florida, November 2-6. [3] Sarah Beth Ragan, Kolton Dieckow, Binod D.C., Wilhelmus J. Geerts, “Biaxial VSM Angular Measurements with Alignment”, Wise conference March 6, 2020, Texas State University. [4] Arjun Sapkota, Leo Rodriguez, Binod D.C, Kolton Dieckow, Chandan Howlader, Jitendra Tate, Wilhelmus Geerts, "On the origin of systematic errors in VSM Torque Curves", poster presentation MMM-2023 conference, 10/30/2023-11/3/2023, Dallas. Kolten is employed at South West Research Institute in San Antonio.