Khalid Arar, PhD.

Education and Community Leadership
Khalid Arar, Ph.D., is a Full Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy, Education and Community Leadership, School Improvement Doctoral Program, College of Education, Texas State University.
Khalid Arar served as a high school principal for a decade and completed his Ph.D. studies at Anglia University, U.K. He also holds a professional diploma in Organizational Counseling, a diploma in Teaching Assessment and Evaluation in Education, and a National School Principal License from Tel-Aviv University. Arar is a former Dean of Research and Head of Post-Graduate Programs in Education, The Centre for Academic Studies, is an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Leadership in Education and Middle-East regional editor of Journal of Education Administration and History and a member of the editorial boards in the following journals: Journal of Education Administration, Leadership and Policy in Schools, International Journal of Educational Management, Higher Education Policy and Applied Research in Higher Education, International Journal of Higher Education Governance & Policy, Research in Education Administration & Leadership. He is a member of the UCEA Centre for the Study of International School Leadership.
For the past two decades, he conducted studies in the Middle East, Europe, and North America on issues of equity, diversity, and social justice in the complex realities of K-12 and higher education. His research agenda has both a domestic, urban, sub-urban, and comparative international orientation. His commitment to challenging global injustices led him in recent years to research education for refugees, displaced people, and immigrants through a social justice lens. Arar presented his research widely at different international conferences of WERA, AERA, ECER, CIES, BERA, UCEA, BELMAS, CCEAM, ICPEL, and TCEA. He has many studies published in numerous leading educational journals such as Journal of Education Policy, Higher Education Policy, Journal of School Leadership, Journal of Educational Administration, Educational Management, Administration and Leadership, Compare, Journal of Comparative Education, Gender and Education, Journal of Educational Change, International Journal of Leadership in Education, Cambridge Journal of Education and Review of Education. Recently, he has guest-edited special issues in the Journal of Education Administration and History, titled: The imposition of government education policy initiatives and school enactment: uncovering the responses of school principals (with Yasar Kondakci & Alison Taysum, 2019); Journal of Professional Capital and Community, titled: Emotion in educational leadership (with Izhar Oplatka, 2018); International Journal of Leadership in Education, titled: Understanding leadership for refugee education (with Deniz Ӧrücü & Duncan Waite, 2020); Journal of Higher Education Policy, titled: Higher Education for “Atypical” International Students: Displaced and Refugee Students (with Yasar Kondakci & Bernhard Streitwieser, 2020).
He gave keynotes and lectures in different international venues such as Leadership Without Borders and International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL) Annual conference, 2019 (Soka University California); International School Principals Conference (ISPC, 2019) Leading Principals Society (Istanbul); Immigration and Higher Education Conference (2019), V.W. Hannover (Germany); Canadian Principal Learning Network (CPLN) & the Faculty of Education, Ottawa University; Turkish Education Administration Congress, Sivas, Turkey (2018); and have been a visiting scholar in different universities around the globe.
His recent books include Migrants, Refugees and Global Challenges in Higher Education (Peter Lang Publishing, with Kussai Haj-Yehia, David Ross, & Yasar Kondakci); Education, Immigration and Migration: Policy, Leadership, and Praxis for a Changing World (Emerald Publishing, with Jeffrey Brooks & Ira Bogotch); Turbulence, Empowerment, and Marginalization in International Education Governance Systems (Emerald Publishing, with Alison Taysum), Emotion Management and Regulation in Teaching and Educational Leadership: Research and Practice in Transitional and Developing Societies (Emerald Publishing with Izhar Oplatka); School Leadership for Refugees’ Education (Routledge) and Neoliberalism and Education Systems in Conflict: Exploring Challenges Across the Globe (Routledge with Deniz Örücü and Jane Wilkinson).
Office: ASBS 314
Phone: 512.245.8501
Fax: 512.245.8872
Dr. Khalid Arar
Ph.D., Education, Anglia Ruskin University
M.A. cum laude, Educational Leadership & Policy, University of Tel Aviv
B.A., Education & English Literature, University of Tel Aviv
B.Ed., Physical Education, Kibbutzim College
Teaching Certificate, Kibbutzim College
Courses Taught
ED 7331 Foundations of School Improvement
ED 7315 Models of Inquiry: Understanding Epistemologies
EDCL 6352 School as the Center of Inquiry
EDCL 5339 Understanding Self
EDCL 6344 Campus Leadership
EDCL 5340 Understanding Organizations
Research Interest
Educational leadership and policy in the following areas:
1. diversity, equity, and inclusion in K-12 and higher education;
2. socio-cultural dimension of educational leadership,
3. social justice leadership and ecological, educational change,
4. career and professional development of educators,
5. immigration, refugee, culture and educational policy while using qualitative, comparative, and international research lens.
Selected Publications
Authored books
Arar, K. (2020). School Leadership for Refugees’ Education. Oxfordshire: Routledge. Arar, K., & Haj-Yehia, K. (2016). Higher Education and the Palestinian minority in Israel. New-York: Paglrave Macmilan.
Arar, K; Shapira, T; Azaize, F., & Hertz-Lazarowitz, R. (2013). Arab Women into Leadership and Management. New York: Palgrave McMillan.
Edited Books
Arar, K., Orucu, D., & Wilkinson, J. (2021). Neoliberalism and Education Systems in Conflict: Exploring Challenges Across the Globe. London: Routledge.
Oplatka, I., & Arar, K. (2019). Emotion Management and regulation in teaching and educational leadership: Research and practice in transitional and developing societies. London: Emerald Publishing.
Taysum, A., & Arar, K. (2019). Turbulence in Six International Education Governance-Systems. London: Emerald Publishing.
Arar, K., Kussai-Hej-Yehia; Roose, D., & Kondakci, Y. (2019). Migrants, Refugees, and Global Challenges in Higher Education. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Arar, K., Brooks, J., & Bogotch, I. (2019). Education, Immigration, and Migration: Policy, Leadership, and Praxis for Changing World. Emerald.
Articles in Refereed Journals
Arar, K. (2021). Refugees’ pathways to German Higher Education institutions, International Journal of Educational Development
Arar, K., Sawalhi, R., Chaaban, Y., Zohri, A & Alhouti, I. (2021). School leaders’ perspectives towards leading during crisis through an ecological lens: a comparison of five Arab countries, Journal of Educational Administration and History, DOI: 10.1080/00220620.2021.1957793
Chaaban, Y., Arar, K., Sawalhi, R., Alhouti, I., & Zohri, A. (2021). Exploring teachers’ professional agency within shifting educationalcontexts: A comparative study of Lebanon, Qatar, Kuwait, and Morocco, Teaching & Teacher Education.
Arar, K., Saiti, A., & Prokopiadou, G. (2021). Higher education and equitable life-long learning for diversified students in the digital era, Higher Education Governance & Policy, 2(1), 19-30.
Arar, K., Örücü, D., & Mahfouz, J. (2021). Three Contexts as the Post-Migration Ecology for Refugees: School Principals’ challenges and Strategies in Turkey, Lebanon and Germany. Journal of Leadership and Policy in Schools, 20(1), 41-56.
Arar, K., Örücü, D. (2021). Rethinking Educational Leadership and Policy in Schools in Challenging Circumstances: Inter/Intra-continental Perspectives. Editorial Introduction. Journal of Leadership and Policy in Schools, 20(1), 1-5.
Gumus, S., Arar, K., Oplatka, I. (2021). Review of international research on school leadership for social justice, equity and diversity, Journal of Education Administration & History, 53(1), 81-99.
Arar, K., Örücü, D., & Ak Küçükçayir, G. (2020). A holistic look at the education of the Syrians under temporary protection in Turkey: policy, leadership and practice, International Journal of Leadership in Education, 23(1), 7-23.
Arar, K. (2020). Understanding The Educational Administrator’s Role in a Turbulent Ethnic Education System, Leadership and Policy in Schools, DOI: 10.1080/15700763.2020.1757723
Arar, K., Kondakci, Y., Kasikci, S, K., & Keles, E. (2020). Higher Education Policy for Syrian Refugee Students in Turkey, Journal of Higher Education Policy,33, 265-285.
Arar, K. (2020). Participation in School Processes and Practices: The case of an Arab School in Israel. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 12(1), 56-79.
Arar, K. (2019). Arab Principals’ and Teachers’ Perceptions of Trust and Regulation and Their Contribution to School Processes, Leadership, and Policy in Schools, 18(4), 648-663.
Arar, K., Kondakci, Y., & Taysum, A. (2019) The imposition of government education policy initiatives and school enactment: uncovering the responses of school principals, Journal of Educational Administration and History, 51:4, 295-300.
Arar, K., & Taysum, A. (2019). From hierarchical leadership to a mark of distributed leadership by whole school inquiry in partnership with Higher Education Institutions: comparing the Arab education in Israel with the education system in England, International Journal of Leadership in Education, DOI: 10.1080/13603124.2019.1591513.
Arar, K., Deniz Orucu., & Akki, G. (2018). Culturally relevant school leadership for Syrian refugee students in challenging circumstances, Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 47(6), 960-979.
Arar, K. (2018). Female Arab faculty staff in the Israeli academy: Challenges and coping strategies, International Journal of Educational Development 62(9), 313-321.
Arar, K. (2018). Policy and praxis of principals’ appointment: The case of Palestinian-Arab minority education in Israel, International Journal of Educational Development 62 (8), 226–233.
Arar, K. (2018). How Novice Principals Face the Challenges of Principalship in the Arab Education System in Israel, Journal of Career Development, 45(6), 580-596.
Arar, K. (2018). The challenges involved when Arab women forge a path to educational leadership: Context, personal cost, and copings. Educational Management, Administration & Leadership, 47(5), 749–765.
Arar, K. (2018). Policy and praxis of principals’ appointment: The case of Palestinian-Arab minority education in Israel, International Journal of Educational Development 62 (8), 226–233.
Arar, K., & Oplatka, I. (2018). "Emotion display and suppression among Arab and Jewish assistant principals in Israel: The key role of culture, gender and ethnicity," Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 3(3), pp.173-191.
Arar, K. (2018). Arab women's educational leadership and the implementation of social justice in schools, Journal of Educational Administration. Vol. 56, Issue: 1, pp.18-32.
Arar, K., Zuzovsky, R., Donitsa-Schmidt, S., Trumper, R., & Barak, J. (2018). Teachers' motivations for master's degree programs in education in Israeli teacher training institutions and the implications for government policy-making concerning those programs, Asia Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. 1-15.
Arar, K., Beycioglu, K., & Oplatka, I. (2017). A cross-cultural analysis of educational leadership for social justice in Israel and Turkey: meanings, actions, and contexts, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 47:2, 192-206.
Oplatka, I., & Arar, K. (2017). The research on educational leadership and management in the Arab world since the 1990s: A systematic review, Review of Education, 5(3), 267-307.
Arar, K. (2017). Academic spheres, students’ identity formation, and social activism among Palestinian Arab students in Israeli campuses. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 10(4), 366-380.
Arar, K., & Massry-Herzallah, A. (2017). Progressive education and the case of a bilingual Palestinian-Arab and Jewish co-existence school in Israel, School Leadership & Management, 37:1-2, 38-60.
Shapira, T., & Arar, K. (2017). The Listener guide: A socio-cultural analysis of Arab women leader's stories, Narrative Works, 7(1), 21-43.
Oplatka, I., & Arar, K. (2016). Leadership for Social Justice and the Characteristics of Traditional Societies: Ponderings on the Application of Western-Grounded Models. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 19:3, 352-369
Arar, K., Haj, I., Abramovitz, R. & Oplatka, I. (2016). Ethical leadership in education and its relation to ethical decision-making- The case of Arab schools' leaders in Israel. Journal of Educational Administration, 54(6), 647-660.
Arar, K., & Ibrahim, F. (2016). Education for national identity: Arab schools' principals and teachers' dilemmas and coping strategies, Journal of Education Policy, 31:6, 681-693.
Arar, K., & Massry-Herzllah, A. (2016) Motivation to teach: the case of Arab teachers in Israel, Educational Studies, 42:1, 19-35.
Arar, K. (2016). Using insider research in M. Ed. final projects to bridge the theory/practice gap. International Journal of Leadership in Education, DOI: 10.1080/13603124.2016.1157210.
Arar, K., & Oplatka, I. (2016). Making sense of social justice in education: Jewish and Arab leaders' perspectives in Israel. Management in Education, Vol. 30(2) 66–73.
Arar, K., & Abo-Rome, A. (2016). School-based Management: Arab education system in Israel", Journal of Educational Administration,54 (2) ‘191 – 208.
Arar, K. (2014). Vice-Principals in Arab schools in Israel: An era of reform. International Journal of Educational Management, Volume, 28 Issue: 1, pp.96 - 113.
Arar, K; Masry-Harzalah, A., & Haj-Yehia, K. (2013). Palestinian Muslim female students in Israel and Jordan: Migration and identity formation. Cambridge Journal of Education. Volume 43, Issue 1 pp. 51-67.
Arar, K., & Oplatka, I. (2014). Muslim and Jewish Teachers' Conceptions of the Male School Principal's Masculinity: Insights into Cultural and Social Distinctions in Principal-Teacher Relations. Men and Masculinity. Volume 17, Issue 1, pp. 22 - 42.
Arar, K., Abu-Asbah, K., & Abu-Nasra, A. (2014). “Arab parents' involvement in school reform in Israel,” International Journal of Educational Reform 23 (2), 133- 152.
Arar, K. (2014). Gender Discourse in an Arab-Muslim High School in Israel: Ethnographic case study. Journal of Educational Change, 15(3), 281-301.
Arar, K. (2014). Female supervisors of Arab school education in Israel. Gender and Education. 26 (4), 414–431.
Arar, K., & Haj-Yehia, K. (2013). "Higher Education Abroad: Palestinian Students from Israel studying in Jordanian Universities." Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 5 (1), pp.95-112.
Arar, K., & Shapira, T. (2012). “I am leading a quiet revolution”-Women High-School Principals in the Traditional Arab Society in Israel. Journal of School Leadership. Issue 5, Volume 22. 853- 874.
Arar, K., & Oplatka, I. (2011). Perceptions and Implication of Teachers evaluation among Junior Arab school Principals. Studies in Educational Evaluation,37(2-3), 162-169.
Arar, K., & Abu-Rabia-Queder, S. (2011). Turning points in the lives of two pioneering female school leaders in the Arab society in Israel. Journal of Gender and Education, 1,1-15.
Chapters in Peer Reviewed Edited Books
Waite, D., & Arar, K. (2020). Problematizing the Social in Social Justice Education, In R, Papa (ed.), Handbook on Promoting Social Justice in Education (pp.1-23). Springer.
Arar, K., Ogden, S., & Beycioglu, K. (2019). Social Justice Leadership, Perceptions and Praxis: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Palestinian, Haitian and Turkish Principals, in P. Angelle & D. Torrance (eds.). Cultures of Social Justice Leadership (pp. 43-66). Switzerland AG: Palgrave.
Arar, K., & Taysum, A. (2019). Turbulence in Education Governance Systems, In A. Taysum., & K, Arar. (eds). Turbulence in Six International Education Governance-Systems (pp. 29-48). London: Emerald Publishing.
Arar, K (2019). Emotion expression among Arab deputy-principals in Israel: The key role of the local culture: Oplatka & K, Arar (eds.), Emotion Management and regulation in teaching and educational leadership: Research and practice in transitional and developing societies (pp. 127-146). London: Emerald Publishing.
Arar, K., Haj-Yehia, K., Ross, D., & Y, Kondakci (2019) (eds.). Higher Education Challenges for Migrant and Refugee Students in a Global World: An Introduction. K, Arar, K, Haj-Yehia, D, B, Ross, and Y, Kondakci (eds.), Higher Education Challenges for Migrant and Refugee Students in a Global World (pp. 1-22). New-York: Peterlang.
Arar, K, Jeffrey, B., & Bogotch, I. (2019) (eds.). Introduction: Understanding Immigrant and refugees' education, in Arar, K, Jeffrey, B., & Bogotch, I. (eds.), Education, Immigration and Migration: Policy, Leadership and Praxis for a Changing World (pp. 1-12). London: Emerald Publishing.
Arar, K. (2017). Unethical decision-making of school principals and vice-principals in the Arab education system in Israel: Interplay between culture and ethnicity, in A, Normore & J. Brooks (eds.), The Dark Side of Leadership: Identifying and overcoming Unethical Practice in Organizations, Advances in Educational Administration, Volume 26, (pp.s73-94). Emerald Publication.
Arar, K., Turan, S., Barakat, M., & Oplatka, I. (2017). The Characteristics of Educational Leadership in the Middle East: A Comparative Analysis of three nation-states, D. Waite & I. Bogotch (eds.), International Handbook of Leadership in Education, Edited by Duncan Waite and Ira Bogotch. (pp. 355-373). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Arar, K., & Massry-Herzallah, A. (2017). Gender, Ethnicity, and social justice leadership: Jewish and Arab women school principals in Israel, A, Normoore & T, Watson (eds.), Racially and Ethnically Diverse Women Leading Education: A Worldview Advances in Educational Administration, Volume 25 (pp. 107-125). Emerald Group Publishing.
Arar, K. & Oplatka, I. (2015). The Effect of Socio-Cultural Factors on the Development of Female Education Leaders in Arab Societies: A Review of Extant Literature and Future Directions for Research, A, Bowers; A, Shoho & B, Barnette (eds.), International Research on School Leadership (pp. 87-117). Charlotte: Information Age Publishing Book Series.
Arar, K., Kondakci, Y., Zayim-Kurtay, M., Kaya Kaşıkcı, S., Senay, H. & Kulakoglu, B. (2020, Apr 17 - 21) Higher Education for Forcibly Displaced Migrants in Turkey and Germany [Roundtable Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA (Conference Canceled)
Arar, K., Örücü, D. & Mahfouz, J. (2020, Apr 17 - 21) A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Syrian Refugee Education Across Turkey, Lebanon, and Germany [Roundtable Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA (Conference Canceled).
Arar, K. (2019, April, 5-9). Understanding the Educational Leadership for Refugee education in Turkey in Different School Contexts. AERA. Toronto, Canada.
Arar, K. (2019, Nov). Newcomer in three educational systems: Comparing leadership education for refugees in Germany, Turkey, and Canada. UCEA, University Council of Education Administration. New Orleans. The USA.
Oplatka, I., & Arar, K. (2018, Jan. 7-11). 'Nothing is more practical than a good theory in educational change': Stories of academics who hold political or managerial positions in education. ICSEI. Singapore.
Arar, K., & Oplatka, I. (2018, Jan. 7-11). Jewish & Arab principals' workload and stress in an accountability reform era. ICSEI. Singapore.
Arar, K., & Oplatka, I. (2018, March. 24-28). Emotion display and suppression among Arab and Jewish assistant principals in Israel: The key role of culture, gender, and ethnicity. Mexico City.
Arar, K. (2018, April 13-17). Challenges of Novice principals in an Ethnic Minority Education. AERA, NYC.
Arar, K., & Haj-Yehia, K. (2018, Sept. 3-7). Understanding refugees' challenges in higher education in the Arab World: The case of Syrian refugees in Jordan. ECER. Bolzano, Italy.
Arar, K., Zuzovsky, R., Donitsa-Schmidt, S., Barak, J., & Trumper, R. (216, Aug. 20-23). Diverging Ideologies Guiding Master of Education Programs for Teachers and their Actual and Perceived Expression. ECER, Dublin, Ireland.
Arar, K., & Oplatka, I. (2017, Nov. 17-20). Factors that Help and Hinder Social Justice Leaders around the World. UCEA, Detroit, USA.
Arar, K., Turan, S., Barakat, M., & Oplatka, I. (2017, April 26-30). The Characteristics of Educational Leadership in the Middle East: A Comparative Analysis of Three Nation-States, AERA, San Antonio, Texas.
Oplatka, I., & Arar, K. (2017, April 26-30). The Research on Educational Leadership and Management in the Arab World since the 1990s: Current state & Future directions. AERA, San Antonio, Texas.
Arar, K., Oplatka, I., Barakat, M., & Turan, S. (2017, Aug. 22-25). The global-local nexus and the challenges of educational leadership in three Middle Eastern Nation-States: A comparison between Egypt, Turkey, and Israel. ECER. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Arar, K. (2015, April 16-20). Leadership for Equity and Social Justice in Arab and Jewish Schools in Israel: Leadership Trajectories and Pedagogical Praxis. AERA Annual Meeting. Chicago, USA.
Arar. K. (2015, Sept. 8-12). Theories Of Young People's Participation In
Systems And Learning From International Boundary Crossing Action-Research
Project. (EERA) Europe Education Research Association. Budapest, Hungary.Arar, K. (2014, June 6-10). Implications of Principals' Teacher Performance Appraisal and Decision-Making. CCEAM/CASEA, Commonwealth Conference for Educational Administration and Management. University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada.
Arar, K. (2014, July 10-13). Making meaning of participation of school processes and practices: a collaboration between the leadership team in an Arab high school in Israel. BELMAS. Chase, UK.
Arar, K., Mahmood, K & Yousif, M. (2014, Sept. 2-5). Leading change: collaboration between Sakhnin Arab teacher education college and Al-Bashaer high school. ECER, European. 20-23).
Arar, K., & Oplatka, I. (2014, Nov. 20-23). New Lens for analyzing leadership for social justice: Jewish and Arab school leaders' perspectives in Israel. UCEA Convention, University Council for Educational Administration. Washington, D.C., USA.
Arar, K., & Shapira, T. (214, June 23-27). “The Listening’ Guide”: From psychological analysis of girls’ stories to socio-cultural analysis of Arab women leaders’ stories. The 7th Narrative Matters Conference, Paris, France.
Arar, K. (2013, July 12-14). Arab women principals’ expression of emotion at different career stages. BELMAS, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Arar. K. (2013, July 10-11). The Hijab and Management: Interplay between belief systems, Management, and gender among Arab Muslim women managers. International Critical Management Studies Conference. University of Manchester, U.K.
Arar, K., & Oplatka, A. (2011, Jul. 8-10). Gender, culture, ethnicity, and leadership perceptions. BELMAS, Cambridge, UK.
Arar, K., & Oplatka, I. (2012, Sept 18-21). Muslim teachers' constructions of the school principals' masculinity vs. femininity, ECER, European Conference for Education Research, Cadiz, Spain.
Keynote Speaker
(2021, May 27). Understanding the challenges of immigrant students in the pandemic era. Presented at the "International Symposium on Education of Immigrant Children" organized by Mardin Artuklu University Center for Migration Studies and ORSAM (Center for MiddleEastern Studies), Turkey.
(2020, November 7). Female educational leadership in the MENA region [Keynote speech], WomenEd in MENA Annual Conference. United Arab Emirates University, Online.
(2020, September 21). Access pathways for displaced in higher education: A global overview [Keynote speech]. Cross Border Perspectives on Refugee Education, Online.
(2020 September, 16). Migration and Education – Facing new challenges [Keynote speech]. Internationalization and multiculturalism in Maltese education and society Institute for Education 1st Annual Online Symposium 16th – 17th September 2020, Online.
(2020 September, 16). Internationalization and multiculturalism in Maltese society [Moderator]. Internationalization and multiculturalism in Maltese education and society Institute for Education 1st Annual Online Symposium 16th – 17th September 2020, Online.
(2019). Educational Leadership for Refugee & Immigrants: Reflection of the Subsequences of War Zone, ELWB 2019 Conference, Violence on Knowledge: The Role of the Educational Leader Without Borders SOKA University, California.
(2019). Higher education challenges for Migrant and Refugee students in a Global World, V.W. Hannover conference, Immigration & Higher Education, Hannover, University, Germany.
(2019). Designing and Leading Educational Change for Innovative School, International School Principals Conference (ISPC, 2019) Leading Principals Society, Istanbul, Medeniyet University.
(2018). The Scholarship of Education Administration and Leadership, Turkish Education Administration Congress, Sivas University, Turkey.