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Student Travel Request

The CLAS Department is offering doctoral students funds for research-related travel. 


In order to receive reimbursement for travel, doctoral students must:

  • be enrolled in a graduate degree program 
  • have an accepted conference paper, poster, professional presentation, or performance/exhibit
  • be in good academic standing during the semester the conference is held 
  • meet all Texas State travel regulations

Amount of Funds

Different funding sources can provide students with reimbursement for research-related travel. Here are the funding options:

  • CLAS Department: 1st trip: $350, 2nd trip: $300
  • College of Education: 1st trip: $300, 2nd trip: $250
  • Graduate College: 1st trip: $150, no funds for 2nd trip

Requests must be made in advance to be reimbursed for any funds.

Travel Request Process

Students should follow the following steps in order to receive reimbursement:

  1. Complete a travel request (this web-based form) at least three weeks prior to your travel date. Once approved, program admins will create a Concur Travel Request for the funding. 
    • For international travel, make sure to complete and upload international travel forms for yourself, guests, and minors traveling with you (if applicable) to submit in this request. 
  2. Complete a Graduate Student Travel Request Form and upload it to this online request below. 
  3. Submit a Conference Acceptance Document. This can be the conference program, acceptance document, or email that includes your name, conference title, and wording confirming acceptance of your presentation.
  4. Make your own travel arrangements, such as booking and paying for lodging, airfare, and conference fees.
  5. Submit receipts within three weeks after your end travel date. Program admins will complete the Concur Expense Report for you and then get your final approval.

Graduate Student Travel Fund Request Form

Complete all sections of the Graduate Student Travel Request Form (except Approvals section) and upload it to this online travel request. After you've submitted your travel request, program admins will get signatures from the Chair, Dean, and Graduate Dean for this form. Do not send this form to the Graduate College – the admins will do this once they have all the signatures.

Please note: Some info on the form is similar to this online travel request. The travel request is needed by the department to track all student travel requests, but the form is required by the Graduate College for their records. You will need to complete both the form and online travel request to request reimbursement for funds.

Download form at link above and submit it here once complete.

Should include your name, conference title, and wording that your presentation was accepted.

(e.g., date your trip will begin)
(e.g., date your trip will end)
(e.g., UCEA Annual Convention, American Association of Adult and Continuing Education Conference)
City, State or City, Country

International Travel Forms

For international travel, faculty must complete and submit the following forms to this Travel Request:

  • T-4 - TXST employees and students
  • T-4G for guests (anyone else traveling with you)
  • T-4M for minors
  • T-4E for employees and T-4S for students traveling to a country with a Level 3 or 4 Travel Advisory

Forms can be downloaded at this link: 

(e.g., first day you will attend conference)
(e.g., last day you will attend conference)
You can request up to $800 for 1st trip and $550 for 2nd trip.

Per Diem Rates

To determine approve rates for lodging and meals/incidental expenses, go to the US GSA website:

(e.g., Conference fee: $200, Airfare: $250, Lodging: $225, Shuttle/Transport: $50, Meals: $75)

Reimbursement Process

Submit receipts of your travel via e-mail to the program admin within three weeks after the last date your event. Unless there is an unusual circumstance, you should expect processing and reimbursement of your travel request within one month of submission.

Acknowledgement *