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04.01.40 Faculty Workload



Counseling, Leadership                                                  

CLAS/PPS No. 04.01.40                                                 

Effective Date: April 16, 2014                                             

Review Date: Fall 2018                                                                                          

01. Purpose and Corresponding Policies

  1. The purpose of this policy statement is to broadly define teaching workload plans. 
    available to the faculty within the Department of Counseling, Leadership, Adult Education, and School Psychology (CLAS).
  2. The Department of CLAS criteria and procedures for assigning faculty teaching workload is based on Academic Affairs PPS 04.01.40: Faculty Workload. The department PPS must align with the Academic Affairs Policy & Procedures Statement. 
  3. Fulltime faculty members carry 12 workload credits each Fall and Spring semester. Tenure-track and tenured faculty are assigned 3 workload credits for research by the President for each Fall and Spring semester.  

02. Graduate Faculty Workload Assignments

  1. This plan provides a 3:3, 3:2 or 2:2 workload to full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty members who have consistently met expectations in scholarship and service in accordance with this policy and procedure statement. Each Spring semester, as part of the annual faculty evaluation, each faculty member will be assigned to one of the following workloads by the Chair in coordination with the Coordinators. 
  2. Faculty members carry a 3:3 workload except as defined in the circumstances below.
  3. Tenure-track faculty members in CLAS must develop a research agenda and establish scholarly productivity during the pre-tenure years. In order to support their efforts, the following workload schedule has been established:
    1. In their first year, tenure-track faculty members will be assigned a 2:2 teaching workload.
    2. In years 2-5, tenure-track faculty members will have a 3:2 teaching workload, with the exception noted in 02.03.3. 
    3. In one of the years 2-5, tenure track faculty members will have a teaching 3:3 workload.  The purpose of this is to allow the tenure-track faculty member to experience the normal teaching workload when they receive tenure and to demonstrate their continued ability for scholarly productivity. The faculty member should work with the program coordinator and chair to mutually agree on which year this is accomplished.
    4. In year 6, the tenure-track faculty member is expected to carry a 3:3 teaching workload.
    5. Tenured faculty members teaching annually in the CLAS Department’s doctoral programs qualify for 2:2 teaching workload if they chair a number of dissertation committees. Typically, Core Doctoral Faculty members (tenure-track or tenured) are granted a 2:2 teaching workload. 
      1. The expectation for these faculty members is that, post-tenure, they will chair 4-5 active dissertation committees at any one time and will have at least one student a year graduate. An active committee is defined as one where the chair is meeting or having significant correspondence with the student more than three times a semester and the student is making progress towards graduation. This expectation is met by the faculty member having at least one student a year graduate on a three-year running average. 
      2. The Chair, working in coordination with the Director of the Ph.D. program may waive this graduation requirement for justified situations. These situations might include the period immediately after the faculty member begins to chair dissertation committees, developmental leave, and other issues that would be considered on a case-by-case basis. 
      3. The CLAS Chair will use the annual Workload Report as a measure of whether the faculty member is meeting this guideline and consults with the Ph.D. Program Director. 
    6. Tenure-Track faculty members in CLAS teaching annually in the department’s doctoral programs (Adult, Professional, and Community Education or School Improvement) qualify for a 2:2 teaching workload and are expected to serve as members of dissertation committees as judged appropriate by their mentors and the Core Doctoral Faculty.
      1.  Tenure-track doctoral program faculty members need time to establish skills in chairing a dissertation committee. Therefore, the dissertation chair criterion (see paragraph above) does not apply to doctoral faculty members prior to tenure. However, the doctoral program tenure-track faculty member is encouraged to sit on committees and to begin to chair committees as soon as her/his mentors and the Core Doctoral Faculty have made the judgment that they are prepared to do so.

04. Program Coordinators

04.01 Typically, Program Coordinators and the Directors of the Ph.D. Programs will receive a course release each regular semester and one course equivalent paid release during the summer sessions (pending funding and university approval).

05. Clinical, Practice, and Lecturer Faculty

05.01 The teaching workload for Clinical, Practice, and Lecturer Faculty is 4:4. Workload assignments to other activities, such as program responsibilities, are made by the Chair in consultation with the program coordinator. 

06. Other Considerations

06.01 Any teaching workload reduction must take into consideration matching the needs of the department/program, the College, and the University with the individual’s professional goals. 

 06.02 Teaching workload reductions are limited by available  funds.

06.03 Decisions about course reductions are made at the discretion of the Chair in consultation with the affected faculty member and any applicable Academic Affairs PPS. 

06.04 Course reductions may be requested by a faculty member for one, or a combination, of rationales based on activities recognized in Academic Affairs PPS 7.05.

07. Certification Statement

Voting Faculty reviewed and approved this PPS by majority vote on 16 April 2014.

Michael O’Malley, Interim Chair, approved this PPS on 28 April 2014.