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Dr. Miguel Guajardo

Education and Community Leadership 

School Improvement

Identity formation, organizational development, community building and politics of education


Miguel A. Guajardo is a Professor in the Education and Community Leadership Program and a member of the doctoral faculty in School Improvement at Texas State University. His research interests include issues of community building, community youth development, leadership development, race and ethnicity, university and community partnerships, and Latino youth and families. He was a Fellow with the Kellogg International Leadership Program and the Salzburg Seminar. 

He is the co-founder of the Community Learning Exchange, an emerging interdisciplinary community of practice that unites the power of place and the wisdom of people to advocate and work towards community change.  Dr. Guajardo’s work has been informed by local ecology and the values of equity, dignity, and democracy in cross-cultural settings. His teaching, research and service agenda is informed by a micro-macro integrative theory that is grounded in practice. A sample of this work is highlighted in the 2016 book he published with a team of colleagues: Reframing Community Partnerships in Education: Uniting the Power of Place and Wisdom of People.


Phone: 512.245.6579

Office: ASBS 318

Fax: 512.245.8872



  • Ph.D., Educational Administration, Public School Leadership, University of Texas at Austin

    MEd., Educational Policy and Planning, University of Texas at Austin

    BS., Secondary Education, University of Texas at Austin

  • Masters Level Classes

    EDCL 5339. Understanding Self: Developing a Personal Vision of Leadership

    EDCL 5347 Understanding Environments: Social, Political, Economic, Legal, and Technological

    EDCL 5388 Problems in Administration

    EDCL 6343 Continuous School Improvement

    EDCL 6344 Campus Leadership

    EDCL 6352 School as Center of Inquiry

    EDCL 6358 Integrative Seminar

    EDA 6358 Integrative Seminar

    EDCL 6387 Principal Field-Based Practicum I

    EDCL 6388 Principal Field-Based Practicum II

    Doctorate Level

    ED 7314 Community Development for Educators

    ED 7211 Collaborative Project

    ED 7326 Foundations of Educational Policy

    ED 7512 Leadership and Organizational Change

    ED 7388 Independent Studies Course

    ED Dissertation Writing

  • Dynamic-critical methodologies

    Identity, race and dignity

    Learning, teaching and leading in diverse communities

    Community Learning Exchange

    Community Development for educators

    Politics of Education

  • Guajardo, M., Valadez, M., Grimaldo, L., Henry, G., & Henderson, K. (2019). Pláticas, Reflections y Cuentos. In Cuentos and Testimonies: Diversity and Inclusion at Texas State. San Marcos, TX: Texas State Provost Office. Retrieved from

    Guajardo, M., Guajardo, F., Salinas, C., & Cardoza, L. (2019). Re-Membering, Re-Framing, and Re-Imagining Latino Leadership in Education: Reflections on Community, Higher Learning, and Higher Education. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, Vol. 18(2), 141–164.

    Militello, M., Janson, C., Guajardo, F., & Guajardo, M. (2019). Mobilize the power of CLEs: Don’t leave Community Learning Exchanges behind. Principal Leadership, 19(5), 46–49.

    Guajardo, M. (n.d.). Stories of border crossings, language development, and change. In Bilingüismo en Inmigrantes Adultos: Conceptos Fundamentales y Experiencias Pedagógicas/ Bilingualism in Adult Immigrants: Foundational Concepts and Pedagogical Experiences. Armenia, Quindío, Colombia: Editorial Kinesis.

    Guajardo, M., & Grimaldo, L. R. (n.d.). Pláticas, Reflections y Cuentos. Cuentos and Testimonies: Diversity and Inclusion at Texas State.

    Garcia, S., & Guajardo, M. (2018). Eternal vigilance: politics, race, and the struggle for educational equity in a Central Texas Community. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 31, 726–746.

    de la trinidad, M., Guajardo, F., Krantz, P., & Guajardo, M. A. (2017). The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Leading Social Change: Examining an HSI in Comparative Historical Context. Journal of Association of Mexican American Educators, 11(2).

    Guajardo, M. A., Guajardo, F., & Locke, L. (Eds.). (2017). Ecologies of Engaged Scholarship: Stories from Activist Academics. New York, NY: Routledge.

    Guajardo, F., & Guajardo, M. A. (2017). The Llano Grande Oral Histories. US Latina & Latino Oral History Journal: Political and Civic Engagement., 1, 125–130.

    Guajardo, M. A., & Guajardo, F. (2016). Weaving narratives of academic Activism. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.

    Guajardo, F., Guajardo, M. A., & Cantú, M. (2016). Where are they now? An intergenerational conversation on the work of the Llano Grande Center for Research and Development. In Youth voices, public spaces, and civic engagement. New York: Routledge Press.

    Guajardo, M. A., Guajardo, F., Janson, C., & Militello, M. (2016). Reframing Community Partnerships in Education: Uniting the Power of Place and Wisdom of People. New York City, New York, United States: Routledge.

    Guajardo, M. A., & Garcia, S. (2016). Educational leadership for community development. National Forum of Educational Administration and Supervision Journal Special Issue: Latinos and School & District Leadership, 29(1/2), 65–74.

    Guajardo, M., & Garcia, S. (2016). Educational leadership for community development. National Forum of Educational Administration and Supervision Journal, 29, 64–74.

    Guajardo, M. A., & Guajardo, F. (2016). La universidad de la vida: A pedagogy built to last. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.

    Guajardo, M. A., Garcia, S., & Marquez, J. (2016). Voces de braceros del valle del Ro Grande. San Marcos, TX: Texas State University.

    Guajardo, M., Bryant, L. M., Aleman, J., Garcia, E., Hernandez, J., & Vasquez, D. (2016). San Marcos community atlas: Education, culture and identity. Poster presentation at the Inaugural Community U Learning Exchange. Elsa, TX.

    Guajardo, M. (2016). Kellogg leadership for community change. Llano Grande Center for Research and Development.

    Scholarly/Creative Works